Lds media app download video

Complement Sunday lessons, family home evenings, or missionary discussions with easy-to-find videos, images, and music. More content is added each week! This app gives you total control to choose what to download so you can play back and present your media without worrying about buffering or being connected to the internet.

Need a portion of a general conference talk, or want to practice only the second verse of a hymn? Easily trim videos and songs to playback portions that inspire gospel learning. Fully customize your presentations by organizing slides and adding presenter notes to incorporate media into your lessons seamlessly. No more huddling around a small device to share a video or image with your class.

Gospel Media app gives you the ability to cast your presentations onto a larger screen while also viewing your notes and slides on your device. Quickly share content and your presentations through email or social media with family, friends, and those you teach.

Share your testimony. Share your media. Home ChurchofJesusChrist. Learn more. Download the app to try it for yourself. Available for: 1. Download Playback and present your media without worrying about an internet connection.

Edit Need a portion of a general conference talk or hymn to share? Organize Shift the content in your playlists and add presenter notes with the touch of a finger to make organizing lessons easier. Present No more huddling around a small device to share a video with your class. How can I download video from lds. Discuss ideas and suggestions around the Church website. I do not know how to download this to save on a flash drive it is not just a right-click save-as type of thing; this is a streaming WMV.

Can someone help me with this? Thanks in advance, -James. Post by jdlessley » Fri Sep 04, am jamesm76 wrote: I have a request from one of our leaders to download a few videos from www. When You Save a Girl video Post by mprusse » Fri Sep 04, am That video appears to have come from a worldwide leadership conference.

There are videos available for each of those conferences. Where to find video Post by mprusse » Fri Sep 04, am I didn't read enough on that page. I tried to look in my Temporary Internet Files directory and I found a file with a ".

I tried changing the extension to. As for the DVD, I'm not able to find it on ldscatalog. We need this within a few weeks, so the DVD might work out just fine.


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