Laura branigan power of love mp3 free download

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Featured On Play album. The Best of Branigan Laura Branigan , listeners. Touch Laura Branigan 10, listeners. Play track. Artist images more. It wasn't until her senior year at Byram Hills High School, where she performed the lead role in a school musical, Pajama Game , that she began to consider a career in entertainment. After graduation from high school, Laura moved to Manhattan and attended The American Academy of Dramatic … read more. She grew… read more. Similar Artists Play all.

Trending Tracks 1. Thursday 27 May Friday 28 May Saturday 29 May Sunday 30 May Monday 31 May Tuesday 1 June Wednesday 2 June Thursday 3 June Friday 4 June Saturday 5 June Sunday 6 June Monday 7 June Tuesday 8 June Wednesday 9 June Thursday 10 June Friday 11 June Saturday 12 June Sunday 13 June Monday 14 June Tuesday 15 June Wednesday 16 June Thursday 17 June Friday 18 June Saturday 19 June Sunday 20 June Monday 21 June Tuesday 22 June Wednesday 23 June Thursday 24 June Friday 25 June Saturday 26 June Sunday 27 June Monday 28 June Tuesday 29 June Wednesday 30 June Thursday 1 July Friday 2 July Saturday 3 July Sunday 4 July Monday 5 July Tuesday 6 July Wednesday 7 July Thursday 8 July Friday 9 July Saturday 10 July Sunday 11 July Monday 12 July Tuesday 13 July Wednesday 14 July Thursday 15 July Friday 16 July Saturday 17 July Sunday 18 July Monday 19 July Tuesday 20 July Wednesday 21 July Thursday 22 July Friday 23 July Saturday 24 July Sunday 25 July Monday 26 July Tuesday 27 July Wednesday 28 July Thursday 29 July Friday 30 July Saturday 31 July Sunday 1 August Monday 2 August Tuesday 3 August Wednesday 4 August Thursday 5 August Friday 6 August Saturday 7 August Sunday 8 August Monday 9 August Tuesday 10 August Wednesday 11 August Thursday 12 August Friday 13 August Her musical involvement with the film led her to receive her second Grammy nomination.

In , the album Self Control was released with the title track, "Self Control" reaching the top ten. Another single from the album, "The Lucky One" went top Laura also won the coveted Grand Prize at the 13th Tokyo Music Festival for her riveting performance of?

The Lucky One.? Laura's album Hold Me was released in and included the top 40 hit? Spanish Eddie?. In Touch was released. With this album, Laura became more personally involved with the recording process. The ballad, "The Power of Love? Laura released Laura Branigan in With this album, Laura added producing to her repetoire with her cover of the disco-era "Turn The Beat Around.

This recording was by far her most personally reflective to date. In the mid 90's Laura took a break from her career and devoted her time to caring for her husband, who was diagnosed with cancer, until his death.

During the late 90's while Laura was dealing with the loss of her husband, she performed only the occasional concert. In early she made her return to the studio.

Laura was currently at work performing concerts at various venues, as well as continuing to record her album of new material, and it was with great expectation and anticipation that fans everywhere were awaiting its release. Laura was back touching audiences once again with the unique four-octave range voice, consuming passion, and undeniable power that was pure Branigan! Sadly, Laura passed away suddenly on 26 August ?

At the time of her passing, Laura was working on the production of an EP, a manuscript for a cookbook she was in the process of writing, and the opening of her official online store.


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