Implement a simple file-download utility javafx
If you use a bundled installer, the installers run in the following order:. The default installation directory for the JavaFX 2. The JavaFX 2. To verify that you have JavaFX 2. Contains the API documentation. This directory contains the same set of JAR files as the lib directory and is maintained for backward compatibility with NetBeans 7.
Here are some tips for working around problems that are sometimes seen during or following an installation. If you installed the bit version, you may have problems with applications that run on 32 bits. Note that the bit version is compatible with both bit and bit systems, but the reverse is not true. Verify that you have a supported environment.
Ensure that the JavaFX Runtime is installed. Try running the JavaFX pre-built samples. The example code implements this by using the open method of the java.
Desktop class: desktop. Availability of the Desktop class is platform dependent. Refer to API documentation for more information on the Desktop class. You can also use the isDesktopSupported method to check if it is supported in your system. You can improve the user experience for this application by setting the file chooser directory to the specific directory that contains the pictures.
You can configure the file chooser dialog window by setting the initialDirectory and title properties of a FileChooser object. Example shows how to specify the initial directory and a suitable title to preview and open pictures. The configureFileChooser method sets the View Pictures title and the path to the user home directory with the My Pictures sub-directory. When you compile and run the FileChooserSample and click one of the buttons, the file chooser shown in Figure appears.
You can also let the users specify the target directory by using the DirectoryChooser class. In the code fragment shown in Example , the click of the browseButton invokes the directoryChooser. After the selection is performed, you can assign the corresponding value to the file chooser as follows: fileChooser.
As the next configuration option, you can set the extension filter to determine which files to open in a file chooser, as shown in Example In Example , you set an extension filter by using FileChooser. When you compile, run the FileChooserSample code from Example , and click one of the buttons, the extension filters appear in the file chooser window. In addition to opening and filtering files, the FileChooser API provides a capability to let a user specify a file name and its location in the file system for a file to be saved by the application.
The showSaveDialog method of the FileChooser class opens a save dialog window. Like other show dialog methods, the showSaveDialog method returns the file chosen by the user or null if no selection has been performed.
The code fragment shown in Example is an addition to the Menu sample. It implements one more item of the context menu that saves the displayed image in the file system. When you add Example to the MenuSample application find the source code in the Application Files , compile and run it, you enable the Save Image menu item, as shown in Figure The Save Image window corresponds to the typical user experience for the save dialog windows: the user needs to select the target directory, type in the name of the saving file, and click Save.
Release: JavaFX 2. We Welcome Your Comments Send us feedback about this document. Opening Files A file chooser can be used to invoke an open dialog window for selecting either a single file or multiple files, and to enable a file save dialog window.
Note: Figure shows the file chooser in Windows. Desktop; import java. File; import java. IOException; import java. List; import java. Level; import java. Logger; import javafx. Application; import javafx. ActionEvent; import javafx. EventHandler; import javafx. Insets; import javafx. Scene; import javafx. Button; import javafx. GridPane; import javafx. Pane; import javafx. VBox; import javafx.