Ikea catalog 2017 pdf download
We'll pass on the strange display of wicker on the wall, but a closer look at this scene reveals a very cool centerpiece on the dining table. Simply submerge some tropical-looking leaves in glass vessels for a modern — and foolproof — take on table decor. Keep in mind that a themed kids' space doesn't have to mean all- Frozen- everything.
This subtle and cool cloud room incorporates fun wall lights and a trio of pillow-like pendants that can be reimagined as your child's tastes change. Most home decorators wouldn't think to make their furniture and walls similar colors. But the tone-on-tone color scheme in this room lends the otherwise-simple space sophistication and serenity. While the glossy black subway tile in this master bath is certainly inspiring on its own, what really caught our eye is the unique his-and-hers sink setup.
It's a fun alternative layout that creates an open flow in the space. Give it a try if you've got the square footage! FB Tweet More. Pinterest Email Send Text Message. Credit: IKEA. Continued on next slide. Replay gallery. Pinterest Facebook. In the s and s, there are rarely any people in the pictures, and never any children.
But in the s there are children playing all over the home, you can see adults smoking and even the occasional political poster on the wall. Browse on to the s IKEA catalogues and the trends have changed again, with shiny fabrics and other fancy materials.
In the s homes become more scaled-down and clearly inspired by a Scandinavian tradition. In this way, the IKEA catalogues are a kind of time capsule for you to travel in. And who knows? In the future, we hope to be able to digitise catalogues from more countries in more languages.
The catalogues from the s and onwards show around 30—50 per cent of the entire range. The products that are not featured are generally smaller ones in textiles, decorations and lighting. Temporary collections are rarely included either. But the farther back you go, the higher a percentage of the range can be found in the catalogue.
Yes, but the older a product is, the harder it may be to find information about it. You can search in the catalogues by product name and product type. From autumn Ingvar Kamprad started including furniture in the range, and things quickly grew from there. Ingvar Kamprad was now truly focusing on home furnishing, and shelving the rest. Not really. You can browse through those as much as you like! Yes you can. This will copy a link which you can share on a website or social media.
If you would like to download and publish on your own digital platform, you can share a maximum of three complete digital catalogues. You may not publish the digital catalogues for commercial purposes. You can find all press material, including images, information about current exhibitions and much more, in the IKEA Museum press room.