School wifi torrents wont download
That would mean they changed the ports for http, how could I find out what port http is using then? Heres what is problem the most important problem for this. I seem to be behind a proxy, which pretty much fucks me over pretty bad. So far the only real thing I've heard that will allow me to get beyond this, is http tunneling, and I have no knowledge of such things.
Also, i've been running port scans for every single port usign this website. So far, the only open port seems to be , which does not seem to be working for BT with encryption. If theres a proxy I'm assuming your browser works of course , write down the Address and Port, then put them into uTorrent. Few other suggetsions, you could use a proxy on your home PC, or a friends home PC, and use that to download stuff Or run uTorrent and a FTP server like Filezilla, and set it to download to the shared folder , but if you have a fairly slow upload speed most home connections do..
Basicly you install that, which puts on Tor, Privoxy set up to use Tor , and a front end to Tor.. Assuming tor connects, you should be able to download though that.. But, people don't like you using Tor for this, as it uses a lot of bandwidth and slows it down, but if your not downloading much, it should be okay Don't hold me to that though , another but is the speeds can be pretty slow Depending on what nodes you get shoved though, which is all down to luck really.. Final option, which is more an alternative really..
Buy a USB wireless adapter and use a nearby open wireless access point to download stuff use a laptop with wifi first to check there is an open one in range though..
Again not the best if you download a lot, or often. Oh, one fairly obvious option, you said you used BitComet before, and it works, have you re-tried this recently? Thankyou for the help. I checked IE, and the proxy is not listed through that. My school uses a program to force you to register your MAC address on the network, and after that you are allowed on the network.
I do not know the proxy information, since I do not use it directly. I am thinking about using your second suggestion, but I remember in the past when I used BT it would kill my home internet connection, so I find it hard to beleive that i'd be able to access the computer while it is downloading such things, making it rather difficult for that to be a reliable source.
The area my university is located in the suburbs, so buildings are a bit apart, so chance of stealing a wifi signal would be rather difficult. BitComet worked until they shut off BT, it works the same as Utorrent being that neither can start a download, but they can get a peer list.
I tested Tor, and I dont' seem to fully understand how to get it owrking if i'm doing this correctly. I ran the program, and used the port since it said it was listening to that on local host. I set it as the listening port, nothing. Tried using the other port same ip but using Sock4 and 5. Am I doing something wrong, is it it blocked at my school? I notice some small movement in the Tor graph, but it is like Recv kb Sent: 10 kb.
I have some decent knowledge on this stuff, so i'm not really a newb at doing this, but I cannot seem to figuire out how to get it working.
Now in the front of complete option click on the Settings icon. There under media section Enable Websites Monitoring.
Similarly, do for all others too that is for Software, documents etc. Step 3. Now when your download file gets ready this file will automatically detect it and starts downloading even if other downloaders are blocked on that network. Now if you want to download videos only, then this feature will help you out.
So if you are looking for a free alternative to Internet download manager then this process will help you out. You will be downloading a file from your Google account while Offcloud will download the torrent file to your Google account. For example, I have purchased GB space with Google Drive and I use it to backup all my photos, documents, work related files and everything else except movies and videos.
I have installed Google Drive in my computer but the folder I have selected is the one of my external hard drive 1TB capacity. This is because I want my external hard drive to contain all the documents and files, just in case I may need them to use it on another computer. Now decide the location of the folder which will sync with Google drive. What is the total amount of files you will be downloading. However, if you would be downloading lots of movies, games, songs and other things on a regular basis, then you should choose the external hard disk.
Once you have setup Google Drive in your computer, create a free account with Offcloud. One Google Drive is authenticated, you are ready to roll. You will be able to see the status of the download in your Offcloud account, when it completes.