Downloading files in gmail

Configure your MS Outlook with gmail account. You will be able to send and access all attachments. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Asked 9 years, 3 months ago.

Active 21 days ago. Viewed k times. So how can you configure Gmail to receive zip files? PS the file doesn't contain a virus or other malware. Improve this question. Mr Lister Mr Lister 2 2 gold badges 4 4 silver badges 14 14 bronze badges. Perhaps the zip is too large? No, I tried several, one as small as K. But apparently, Gmail blocks incoming ZIP files by default. And I just want to know how to change that. The receiver already added me as a contact, but that didn't do the trick.

All this files are blocked in Gmail, even if they are compressed — elunicotomas. And how do you unblock them? I know with rar that you can encrypt the filenames. Perhaps that and setting a password may work. Never tried this though.

Or perhaps you can upload it to google docs. Show 2 more comments. Active Oldest Votes. Let the video load to make the button functional. Just click on the PDF file once. It will open the Save as dialog box. Choose the download location and hit the Save button. For that, first, click on the down arrow present on the left side of the audio clip. It will change into the play icon.

Then, hover your mouse over the audio clip and hit the small down arrow. Select Download from the menu. You cannot select multiple images in WhatsApp Web. You will have to use a Chrome extension to download multiple photos from WhatsApp Web.

The Chrome extension that we suggest using is Image Downloader. It will help you in downloading multiple images from websites such as Pinterest too. Once the extension has been added to Chrome, open the chat in WhatsApp Web having multiple images.

Then click on the Image Downloader extension in the top bar. It will show all the images available in the chat. Select the images that you want to download by clicking on it. Then hit the Download button. A warning notification will appear. Select No. Doing that will download all the images in one go. Want to make sure you have a copy of all the messages in your Gmail account? Migrating to a different email service? Find out here how to export and download all emails from Gmail in bulk — by label or as one big email and attachment archive.

Watching a penguin for any length of time means watching a penguin sneeze. Open saved file and save all attachments. Hope this solution will help, have a better day!

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