Downloaded podcasts how to podcast app

Save your podcast. If you are using a manager like iTunes or Zune, you can simply click "save" or "get" next to the episode's name to save it to your computer. Otherwise, you will have to copy the podcast's URL and paste it into your manager. You'll want to click the "subscriptions" tab or its equivalent in your manager of choice; from this step, you can usually download specific episodes. You can click a "refresh" button to check for new episodes.

Access your podcast. Once you've downloaded your podcast to your chosen file location, play it to make sure it downloaded completely and correctly. Right-click on the file in iTunes, then select "Show in Finder. Not Helpful 4 Helpful 4. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Plenty of podcast sites allow you to download episodes directly from the site as MP3 files.

While time-consuming, this method makes more sense than installing an entirely new software suite if you're just downloading a few iterations. Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0. NPR has a great selection of professional, high-quality podcasts available for free consumption. Although apps like Pocket Cast cost a bit of money, they more than make up for their cost with streamlined interfaces, wide variety of podcasts, and customization options.

If you are an avid listener, consider spending the extra few bucks. When in doubt, iPhone users should take advantage of the free Podcasts app and the pertaining iTunes support. Your best bet is always to store your podcasts on a mobile device, but if you don't have a smartphone or you run out of room on your existing device, using your computer as a back-up is a solid choice. Since podcast files can be quite large, consider saving them in cloud storage rather than on your mobile device's hard drive; unless you have a massive capacity for storage on your phone, you'll likely notice some performance issues otherwise.

Related wikiHows How to. How to. How to Make Money with a Podcast: Direct vs. Indirect Montezation. About This Article. Co-authored by:. Co-authors: To do this:. Auto-Downloads is an essential feature for quite a lot of podcast listeners. Auto-downloaded episodes can be removed from the app by tapping on the blue icon from right side, scroll down and tap on Remove Download.

Also check out how you can enable auto-delete episodes from Podcasts App. Episodes automatically delete 24 hours after you play them, or you can delete them manually. When you save an episode, it automatically downloads to your device and is not deleted after you listen to it. To see the episodes that you marked as saved, tap the Library tab, then tap Saved. If you turn off automatic downloads in the Apple Podcasts app, it doesn't turn off for all podcast shows. How to listen to podcast shows on iPhone or iPad Use the playback controls Follow or unfollow podcast shows Play episodes in order or play the newest episode first Download podcast episodes Delete podcast episodes Mark a podcast episode as played.

Choose a podcast episode and tap the play button. Tap the player at the bottom of the screen to open the Now Playing screen and access the playback controls. Use the playback controls To fast forward or rewind through an episode, tap the 15 second rewind button or the 30 second fast forward button. To adjust playback speed for a podcast, tap the playback speed button and choose half speed, normal speed, one and a half speed, or double speed.

To set a sleep timer and stop playing a podcast after a certain amount of time, start listening to a podcast. From Now Playing, swipe up and tap the Sleep Timer button.

To play to a speaker, tap the playback destination button and choose which device your audio plays to. Follow or unfollow podcast shows To learn when new episodes are released, find and follow the shows that you love. Follow a podcast show Browse or search for a show in the Apple Podcasts app. Tap the show to see its information page. To save the podcast, click Export. Then select MP3 from the list of formats. Finally, hit the Save button. Now you know how to download podcasts to your PC or Mac computer.

Find your favorite podcast, download MP3s, and enjoy listening to the best episodes while driving to work. Disclaimer: Please be aware that Movavi Screen Recorder does not allow capture of copy-protected video and audio streams. Learn more. Finding the best podcast downloader for your Android or iPhone is not always that easy.

Having the right software also means you can download and listen to your favorite podcast later. Best for : customizable listening experience, searching for favorite shows, free podcast download on Android, and an ad-free experience. With Google Podcasts, how to get podcasts on Android is no big deal! You can find all the podcasts you love, customize the way you listen to them, and listen to them no matter where you are. Managing your podcast listening experience has just become a whole lot easier with this app!

This app allows you to subscribe and listen to your favorite podcasts for free. You can queue up episodes, keep track of all your downloads, and stream for instant playback or keep listening offline later. This app will give you recommendations of podcasts to listen to, and you can use Google Search and Google Assistant to find your favorite podcasts.

Tap Install and wait for the app to download. Then tap Open. Tap the Search icon in the top left corner, enter the name or the topic of the podcast, and tap Search on the keyboard. Find a podcast you like and tap to select it. In the Available Episodes section, find the episode you wish to download and select it. On the next screen, tap the Download icon below the name of the episode. It allows you to listen to all your favorite stories and episodes for free. You can save all your data and download podcasts whenever you want to listen offline.

This gives you the freedom to listen to your latest podcast wherever you are, at any time. Search for free podcasts while exploring a wide range of stories from politics to entertainment, sports, and more. You can stream over 1 million shows and be notified when new episodes are available. Apple Podcasts editors make your browsing experience easier by sending you recommendations on the most exciting and popular shows, keeping you up to date with the latest trends. Categories and collections curated by the editors are constantly updated.

Then, tap Get. When the app has downloaded, tap Open. Tap See All and choose the desired podcast. Scroll a bit down and tap Available Episodes. Find the episode you wish to save to your iCloud and add it to your Library by tapping the plus icon. To download the episode, tap the iCloud icon next to it. To find the downloaded episode, go to the Library tab and choose Downloaded episodes. If you want to listen to the episode using a Mac, you can also download the iTunes podcast.

Best for : connecting on Bluetooth devices, customizable storage feature, and paid ads-free experience. With over 5 million users, Stitcher is a popular podcast app for downloading your latest and most favorite shows. Storing features allow you to custom group your downloads, a nifty feature when looking for a particular show.


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