Cyber-physical attacks george loukas pdf download
We show that by exploiting the weakness in securing sensor information, a malicious attacker can cause life-threatening situations which plays as a motivation for the rest of this dissertation.
Next, we explore two countermeasures called sensor-level countermeasures and system-level countermeasures. In the sensor-level countermeasures, we propose a physical challenge-response authentication PyCRA scheme for sensors that is designed to provide an authorization mechanism that not only detects malicious attacks but prov. A cyber-physical attack is one in which a wholly digital attack against Cyber-Physical Systems CPS caused physical destruction of equipment.
A cyber-physical attack is different from an enterprise network attack designed to steal money, exfiltrate information, or hold a computer hostage for ransom. Those attacks are fairly simple and can be carried out by a cyber-criminal, or even a garden variety cracker. Designing an attack scenario to exploit a particular physical process requires a solid engineering background and in-depth destructive knowledge of the target SCADA system Cyber-Physical Attack Engineering , but a cracker doesn't need an engineering background to figure out how to turn equipment off.
Basically, it's the weaponization of the Internet. Supervisory control loops and lower-level loops operate continuously over the duration of a process with cycle times of milliseconds. Interrupting one process can have a ripple effect through the factory. So, what is the big deal? On December 3 , in Bhopal, India there was an industrial accident at a pesticide plant that immediately killed at least 3, people and caused significant morbidity and premature death for many thousands more.
That was only one incident with a release of only 40 tons of methyl isocyanate gas. Of course, this was an accident and not a cyber-physical attack, but it should give you an idea what could happen in a worst-case scenario. Imagine you wake up in the morning and go the bathroom. You turn on the faucet and nothing happens. You go back to the bedroom and the clock is flashing You hit the power button on the TV remote and nothing happens.
It's a little warm in the house, but the air conditioning won't work. Then you realize th. The authors interconnect various technical tools and methods to capture the different properties between cyber and physical layers.
Part II of this book bridges the gap between cryptography and control-theoretic tools. It develops a bespoke crypto-control framework to address security and resiliency in control and estimation problems where the outsourcing of computations is possible. Part III of this book bridges the gap between game theory and control theory and develops interdependent impact-aware security defense strategies and cyber-aware resilient control strategies.
With the rapid development of smart cities, there is a growing need to integrate the physical systems, ranging from large-scale infrastructures to small embedded systems, with networked communications. The integration of the physical and cyber systems forms Cyber-Physical Systems CPSs , enabling the use of digital information and control technologies to improve the monitoring, operation, and planning of the systems.
Despite these advantages, they are vulnerable to cyber-physical attacks, which aim to damage the physical layer through the cyber network. This book also uses case studies from autonomous systems, communication-based train control systems, cyber manufacturing, and robotic systems to illustrate the proposed methodologies. These case studies aim to motivate readers to adopt a cross-layer system perspective toward security and resilience issues of large and complex systems and develop domain-specific solutions to address CPS challenges.
A comprehensive suite of solutions to a broad range of technical challenges in secure and resilient control systems are described in this book many of the findings in this book are useful to anyone working in cybersecurity. This book provides a template with step-by-step instructions on how to respond and recover when hackers get into your SCADA system and cause building equipment to act erratically or fail completely.
When hackers shut off the water, turn off the building power, disable the sewage effluent pumps and activate the fire alarm, you have to do something quick. It is even more alarming that hackers can do all those things at the same time—even from the other side of.
A world of "smart" devices means the Internet can kill people. We need to act. Everything is a computer. Ovens are computers that make things hot; refrigerators are computers that keep things cold. These computers—from home thermostats to chemical plants—are all online. The Internet, once a virtual abstraction, can now sense and touch the physical world. As we open our lives to this future, often called the Internet of Things, we are beginning to see its enormous.
The operation of cyber infrastructures relies on both cyber and physical components, which are subject to incidental and intentional degradations of different kinds. Within the context of network and computing infrastructures, we study the strategic interactions between an attacker and a defender using game-theoretic models that take into account both cyber and physical components. The attacker and defender optimize their individual utilities expressed as sums of cost and system terms.
First, we consider a Boolean attack-defense model, wherein the cyber. Cybersecurity and Privacy in Cyber-Physical Systems collects and reports on recent high-quality research that addresses different problems related to cybersecurity and privacy in cyber-physical systems CPSs.
It Presents high-quality contributions addressing related theoretical and practical aspects Improves the reader's awareness of cybersecurity and privacy in CPSs Analyzes and presents the state of the art of CPSs, cybersecurity, and related technologies and methodologies Highlights and discusses recent developments and emerging trends in cybersecurity and privacy in CPSs Proposes new models, practical.
The shortcomings of modern cryptography and its weaknesses against computers that are becoming more powerful necessitate serious consideration of more robust security options. Quantum cryptography is sound, and its practical implementations are becoming more mature. Many applications can use quantum cryptography as a backbone, including key distribution, secure direct communications, large prime factorization, e-commerce, e-governance, quantum internet, and more.
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