Creo 4.0 tutorial pdf free download
Project parts are given at the end of each lesson that utilize functions presented earlier in that lesson. Final assembly is performed in the last lesson. Score: 3. These topics are further demonstrated in the video files that come with every book.
The style and approach of the previous tutorial have been maintained from the previous book and the text picks up right were the last tutorial left off. Creo Parametric 3. Creo Parametric 8. Table of Contents 1. User Customization and Multibody Modeling 2. Helical Sweeps and Variable Section Sweeps 3. Advanced Rounds, Drafts and Tweaks 4. Patterns and Family Tables 5. The tutorial lessons cover the major concepts and frequently used commands required to progress from a novice to an intermediate user level.
The commands are presented in a click-by-click manner using simple examples and exercises that illustrate a broad range of the analysis types that can be performed.
In addition to showing the command usage, the text will explain why certain commands are being used and, where appropriate, the relation of commands to the overall Finite Element Analysis FEA philosophy are explained. After a brief introduction to finite element modeling, the tutorial introduces the major concepts behind the use of Creo Simulate to perform Finite Element Analysis of parts.
These include modes of operation, element types, design studies analysis, sensitivity studies, organization , and the major steps for setting up a model materials, loads, constraints, analysis type , studying convergence of the solution, and viewing the results. Both 2D and 3D problems are covered. This tutorial deals exclusively with operation in integrated mode with Creo Parametric. It is suitable for use with both Releases 7.
The topics are presented in tutorial format with exercises at the end of each chapter to reinforce the concepts covered. It is richly illustrated with computer screen shots throughout.
Above all, this text is designed to help you expand your creative talents and communicate your ideas through the graphics language. Because it is easier to learn new information if you have a reason for learning it, this textbook discusses design intent while you are learning Creo Parametric. At the same time, it shows how knowledge covered in basic engineering courses such as statics, dynamics, strength of materials, and design of mechanical components can be applied to design.
You do not need an engineering degree nor be working toward a degree in engineering to use this textbook. The first two chapters of this book describe the design process.
The meat of this text, learning the basic Creo Parametric software, is found in Chapters three through six. Chapters seven, eight, and 12 deal with dimensioning and tolerancing an engineering part. Chapters nine and ten deal with assemblies and assembly drawings. Chapter 11 deals with family tables used when similar parts are to be designed or used.
This text is intended to be used as a training guide for any student or professional wanting to learn to use Creo Parametric. Fillets, Chamfers, Draft, Patterns, Mirroring. Sweeps, and Circular Patterns 5. Creating Drawings. Review for Mid Term 8. Mid Term Exam 9. Sheet Metal Intro Assembly Project continued Lab time to complete exercise, Review for Final Exam Final Exam.
File size mb. Click Here to Download creo 3. Currently, he is working in the sheet metal industry as a designer. Additionally, he has interested in Product Design, Animation, and Project design. He also likes to write articles related to the mechanical engineering field and tries to motivate other mechanical engineering students by his innovative project ideas, design, models and videos. Your email address will not be published. Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment.
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