Rs khurmi jk gupta civil ebook download pdf

Moulding and Core Making Special Casting Processes Smithy and Forging Welding Bench Work and Fitting Sheet Metal Work Rivets and Screws Limit System and Surface Finish Measuring Instruments and Gauges Quality Control Powder Metallurgy Plastics Metallic and non-metallic Coatings Pipes and Pipe Fittings J K Gupta and R S Khurmi, authors of the book, engineering by education have put a lot of there teaching experience to bring out this conventional and objective type responsive book on the subject.

The important topics that are in the book are mechanics, applied mechanics, hydraulics and fluids mechanics, strength of materials, hydraulic machines, soil mechanics and foundations, building material irrigation, concrete technology, building construction, public health engineering and engineering geology. The topics covered include all the course material for under-graduated courses as well as that for objective type multiple choice questions also. Engineering Mechanics 2.

Strength of Materials 3. Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics 4. Hydraulic Machines 5. History Notes — Click. Geography Notes — Click. Indian Polity Notes — Click. Economics Notes — Click. General Science Notes — Click. Current Affairs Notes — Click. Maths Notes — Click. Reasoning Notes — Click. English Grammar Notes — Click. General Hindi Notes — Click.


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