How to download earlier versions of minecraft
An extensive list of download links to older minecraft. The links provided on that site are the same as the download links provided in Mojang's update posts, like this one , and hosted by Mojang themselves Rehosting would violate Mojang's TOS.
All content is provided by Mojang and is never re-distributed. You can download v. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Asked 7 years, 11 months ago. Active 2 years, 4 months ago.
Viewed k times. Improve this question. MorphinGaming MorphinGaming 1 1 gold badge 1 1 silver badge 3 3 bronze badges. This question appears to be off-topic because it is requesting a link for a specific version of Minecraft. We are not an asset location service. Do you have a meta link for that? I truly do not see how "I need to install an old version of the Minecraft client" is an allowed question, but "I need to install an old version of the Minecraft server" is not.
Let's look past the words used to see the problem the asker has. Add a comment. Also, insofar as I know, Mojang is aware of this tool and hasn't raised any objections to its existence. Before we start, make sure you have Minecraft installed on your computer.
This tutorial won't work if you're trying to pirate the game by all means, if you like it, buy it! You'll also need to download an awesome little program called "Minecraft Version Changer", available here:. Just in case something goes wrong, I recommend that you back up your Minecraft. You can always force update, but keep in mind that this will overwrite all your mods if you have some installed. Oh yeah, Minecraft Version Changer has a built-in backup functionality, but I still like to do the steps below, just to be safe.
When you press enter, you'll be taken to the appdata folder. You'll then need to double click on. Now you'll see a list of files and folders. What we need to do is to create a copy of the minecraft. Ok, we're all set! If anything goes wrong, you can just replace the minecraft. Now we can get to the heart of this tutorial. Open Minecraft Version Changer. You should see something like this:. Firstly, using the drop-down menu, select the version you wish to download.
I'll be choosing beta 1. I also recommend you click the "More" button. This will give you some interesting options such as "Patch Sounds", which will download and install the Minecraft sound effects for the version you chose. When you're ready, click on the "Change" button.
You can also click on "Server Download", which will download the version's server to the Minecraft Version Changer folder.