Harappa lure of soma download pdf

Mohan Ananthaiah rated it it was amazing Aug 15, Anuraag Srivastava rated it it was amazing Feb 23, Mayukh Barman rated it it was amazing Aug 21, Mel rated it really liked it Dec 08, Suresh Ramamurthy rated it liked it Nov 14, Petra rated it liked it Jan 27, Homo rated it really liked it Jul 04, Sushant Gurjar rated it liked it Jan 11, Sukesh rated it did not like it Aug 29, Suyash Chatterjee rated it did not like it Oct 15, Bonnie Palumbo rated it really liked it Sep 14, Mohini rated it really liked it Dec 06, Vikas Basandrai rated it liked it Feb 11, Keshav Kulkarni added it Jun 26, Manish Gupta marked it as to-read Jul 18, Shridhar Parvatikar added it Jul 20, Supriti marked it as to-read Aug 18, Gernot Walterskirchen is currently reading it Oct 07, Aishabrohi marked it as to-read Oct 26, Vamsi marked it as to-read Nov 04, Murali marked it as to-read Feb 11, Seema added it Apr 21, Venkataraman Ravindra is currently reading it Jun 02, Aakash Gaggad marked it as to-read Jul 06, Sumit Savani marked it as to-read Jul 24, HimansuRaj Zala marked it as to-read Oct 18, Pratik Thorat marked it as to-read Nov 17, John Div marked it as to-read May 26, Little Blezz marked it as to-read Jun 27, Vinod Namdeo marked it as to-read Jul 27, Vijay marked it as to-read Aug 20, Neeraj Parmar marked it as to-read Oct 21, Subramanian Ranganathan marked it as to-read Dec 05, Is vc still a thing final.

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His narrative draws us back to the ancient era of India of the Sarasvati River, long before most of what we call civilization, and sheds light upon the profound culture that existed then and its relevance for the entire world. Harappa; The lure of Soma: This is the first book of a series titled Harappa. It is based in BCE when the Harappan civilisation was at its peak.

The whole of the country at that time — I have called it Bramhavarta to stop confusion with implied Aryavarta and its connotations with Aryan Invasion Theory which has now been discredited — was extremely prosperous and probably the biggest empire in the world at the time. Neighbouring country of Ariana was struggling with several large tectonic events causing massive earthquakes which in turn diverted some of their major rivers around BCE.

Desertification of several tracts of the land occurred with some of the large lakes and rivers drying up altogether. The people of Ariana were the 2.

The supply of Haoma Soma of Avestan people had dried up due to the severe drought and it was necessary for their Yasna — a ritual similar to Vedic Yajna, except it was water based. In the story, the Avestans decide to obtain the coveted sacred plant Soma through sorcery at first and armed conflict later.

Our hero, Upaashantha is a Physician from Hariyupia Harappa is in the thick of the action. He gets involved in the attempt by a rebel Magi from Ariana to steal the Soma and helps foil his attempts. This book unfolds the story of a battle between the right and the wrong. Will the tactics of the Magus Matriya succeed in becoming the most powerful sorcerer in all Ariana? Will the powerful Sages of Harappa save the city of Harappa from the powerful army of Vishtaspa? Will Upaas get back to his love of life, the beautiful Lopa?

Is Shushun really Elamite oil merchant? Who is the traitor who was helping the rogue Magus? The author has used extensive evidence from recent archaeological finds along with historical and philological records in building up the environment, life style and the story of the people living in the middle of the third millennium BCE in what is considered as the biggest civilisation of its time, in the world.

An epic tale of mystery, black magic, love, and adventure set in the most intriguing period of India's ancient history, it wraps you up in the predicament of its central characters and stands as a magnificent and compelling parable of the age-old battle of good against evil. Graham Hancock - Author of the international bestseller Fingerprints of the Gods. David Frawley. Director of American Institute of Vedic Studies www.

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