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Docx Copy version. I have followed your instructions and successfully installed EPlan. However, I can't create a new project. I need to have a template to select in order to work on a project. What should I do? I have followed the instructions to install the patch and virtual usb dongle but when i run eplan it keeps saying that the dongle or device driver is missing.
Can someone help me please? Thanks Edit: I tried to install this on another pc running Windows 7 and there it works great. But i also like to run this software on my new pc in Windows But there is driver problem witch is causing the doungle not to run. You decide which method ofoperation is the most efficient for you, and EPLAN providescontinuous consistency in the project data, regardless of yourmethod of operation.
Project documentation — quantity and quality With comprehensive and individually configurable check runs, youdetermine how strictly EPLAN monitors the quality level of yourdocumentation. In this way, the downstream stages of the processare provided with all of the required information from theengineering itself — continuous product creation through tomanufacturing, installation, commissioning, servicing andmaintenance.
Concentrating on essentials You concentrate on your engineering work, and EPLAN looks after theconsistent management of project data. This enables you to quicklycreate high-quality machinery and plant documentation. If this is the case then it is usually made available in the full download archive itself. The Microsoft. NET framework 4. Further information and the current version of this Microsoft component are available for download from the Microsoft website.
Microsoft supplies regular updates for the operating systems. If you want to use Access databases for the parts management, the project management and the dictionary, the Microsoft operating system has to be installed in the bit version.