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Creating watch faces. Android TV. Build TV Apps. Build TV playback apps. Help users find content on TV. Recommend TV content. Watch Next. Build TV games. Build TV input services.
TV Accessibility. Android for Cars. Build media apps for cars. Build navigation, parking, and charging apps for cars. Android Things. Supported hardware. Advanced setup. Build apps. Create a Things app. Communicate with wireless devices. Configure devices. Interact with peripherals. Build user-space drivers. Manage devices. Create a build. Push an update. Chrome OS devices. App architecture. Architecture Components. UI layer libraries. View binding. Data binding library. Lifecycle-aware components.
Paging Library. Paging 2. Data layer libraries. How-To Guides. Advanced Concepts. Threading in WorkManager. App entry points. App shortcuts. App navigation. Navigation component. App links. Dependency injection. Core topics. App compatibility. Interact with other apps. Package visibility. Intents and intent filters. User interface. Add motion to your layout with MotionLayout. MotionLayout XML reference. Improving layout performance. Custom view components. Look and feel. Splash screens. Add the app bar.
Control the system UI visibility. Supporting swipe-to-refresh. Pop-up messages overview. Adding search functionality. Creating backward-compatible UIs. Input method editors.
Performing network operations. Transmit network data using Volley. Perform network operations using Cronet. Transferring data without draining the battery. Reduce network battery drain. Transfer data using Sync Adapters. Bluetooth Low Energy.
Wi-Fi infrastructure. Discover and connect. Runtime API reference. Web-based content. Android App Bundles. Google Play. Play Asset Delivery. Play Feature Delivery. In-app reviews. In-app updates. Google Play Instant.
Get started with instant apps. Get started with instant games. Integrate with Firebase. Play Install Referrer. Play Install Referrer Library. Application Licensing. Android GPU Inspector.
System profiling. Analyze a system profile. GPU performance counters. Frame profiling. Analyze a frame profile. Frame Profiler UI. Customize or port game engines. Process input events. Support game controllers. Achieve proper frame pacing.
Frame pacing in Vulkan. Integrate Android Performance Tuner. Output audio. Manage memory. Use prebuilt or turnkey game engines. Develop with Defold. Develop with Godot. Develop with Unity. Use Android Performance Tuner.
Game best practices. Maximize device availability. Art assets. OpenGL and Vulkan. Game Mode. Best practices. Building effective unit tests. Automating UI tests. Testing app component integrations. Android Vitals. Optimizing for Battery Life. System tracing. Build and test apps for accessibility. Advanced topics. Protecting against security threats with SafetyNet. Build for Billions.
Docs Getting Started About. Core Topics Architecture. Overview Architecture. Modular System Components. Modular Kernels. HIDL General. HIDL Java. ConfigStore HAL. Device Tree Overlays. Vendor NDK. Vendor Interface Object.
Core Concepts. Camera Features. Bluetooth and NFC. Calling and Messaging. ACTS Tests. Surface and SurfaceHolder. SurfaceFlinger and WindowManager.