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Please see your browser settings for this feature. The biblical books were written to Jews, for Jews, and about Jews, yet most Bible translations do not maintain a connection to the Jewish essence of the Bible. The TLV speaks with a decidedly Jewish voice to recover the authentic context of the Bible and the Christian faith, retaining the Jewish order of the Old Testament books, the Jewish name of the Messiah, reverence for the four-letter unspoken name of God, and many Hebrew transliterated terms, such as shalom, shofar, and shabbat.

The result is a translation that is accurate, readable, reverential, and true to the Hebrew roots of the Christian faith. Reintroducing Family to the Bible. A New Bible. New Translation. One Bible For the Whole Family. The Tree of Life Version TLV speaks with a decidedly Jewish-friendly voice—a voice like the Bible authors themselves—to recover the authentic context of the Bible and the Christian faith.

Yet most Bible translations lose the connection to the Jewish nature of the Bible. As a result, biblical books that were written to Jews, for Jews, and about Jews lose a critical element—their actual Jewish essence.

The Tree of Life Version TLV is a new Bible translation, produced by Messianic Jewish and Christian scholars, which highlights the rich Hebrew roots of the Christian faith by restoring the Jewish order of the books of the Old Testament, the Jewish name of the Messiah, Yeshua, reverence for the four-letter unspoken name of God, and Hebrew transliterated terms, such as shalom, shofar, and shabbat.

Discover the rich meaning of the Bible with this faithful new translation that is accurate, readable, reverential, and true to the Hebrew roots of the Christian faith. Messianic rabbis, leaders, scholars, artists, professors, psalmists, linguists, writers, parents, and children came together to work on this groundbreaking version that is meant for the entire family to read and enjoy.

In its leaves are healing for both the Jews and the nations. God does not pit His children against each other. It is Jewish to believe in Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah.

Yeshua is the Messiah for all who believe—Jew and Gentile alike. If you are a Jew who is curious about Messiah, this Book of John will help you, with help from the Holy Spirit, to see how Yeshua became the Prophet like Moses, full of glory, grace, and truth.


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