Windows downloads file names not showing

I'm quite sure that I have stored some important working documents there. It seems that something goes wrong and makes the folder not showing files. Is there any way to find and retrieve my data back? It drives me crazy! Please help me fix the issue. As you can see from the two situations mentioned above, the issue of files not showing up in a folder usually happens in two cases: folder not showing files and Windows File Explorer not showing folders.

And sometimes, you may also get an error message that says " This folder is empty ". If you are also a victim encountering these two problems and can't access your data on a hard disk, USB drive, or other memory storage devices, you can use the following three data recovery solutions to find a way out. Note: Here, if you encounter a "folder won't open" issue and are prevented from accessing your data, please refer to how to fix File Explorer won't open in Windows 10 to get a solution.

Many factors can cause files not showing in the folder or Windows Explorer not showing folders. The possible reason is that some malware or virus attack your hard disk, USB drive, or other memory storage device.

And all these threats can hide or even delete your files so that you won't see them in the folder. And some users report that Windows 10 update also can be one of the causes.

Whatever the reason might be, try the solutions below to recover virus-infected files and fix the issue. If the folder not showing files in Windows 10 results from a virus attack and get hidden, here are three ways you can try to unhide your files. You can fix files not showing up in the folder and recover missing files by using a professional hard drive recovery software — EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard. Now, follow the steps below to recover files not showing up in folders.

Then, click "Scan". When the scan finishes, click Filter to display only the file types you want. Double-click a file to preview its content, if you'd like.

Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and support articles Windows Windows 10 Search Community member. Mike Pepper. Here is the symptom: When searching a folder for a given filename made up of all numbers, in this case, type. This is true whether the search is performed in the search box in Explorer, or on the Start menu Cortana box.

If the filename is changed back to the original name, then it will immediately disappear from the results. The indexing service is running, and on automatic start. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. Stephanie Sal Microsoft Agent. Hi Mike, Since you're having issues with searching files on your computer, we recommend that you rebuild the Windows Search index and check if the issue persists.

You may refer to the steps below to verify indexed locations: Go to Control Panel. Find the section labeled Indexing Options. In the Indexing Options window, make sure that Windows is indexing the location of your files. Click the Modify button to see the list of all locations in your computer.

Find the folder that contains your files that you will indexed. Check the box. Click OK. Click on Indexing Options. Click the Advanced button and make sure that you're on the Index Settings tab of the Advanced Options windows.

Under the Troubleshooting section, click the Rebuild button. Click OK to accept the warning and start the re-indexing process. Do update us with the outcome and if you need further assistance.

How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. In reply to Stephanie Sal's post on April 26, Why aren't my downloads showing up on the desktop or the download folder? When you lose track of the files you've downloaded with your web browser, you can go to check the default save locations of your web browser through the settings.

After you press the shortcut key combination, the Downloads window will open and display the recently downloaded files like the screenshot below. You can click "Show in folder" to check the accurate save location. The approach is similar to change the location of files downloaded by other browsers. If your files are actually stored on the desktop, but the downloaded files not showing up on the desktop, the direct cause may be that the computer hides the icon.

The three steps above are the quickest way to fix downloaded files not showing up on the desktop. But sometimes this does not work so well; you can also find the missing files from the Downloads folder on your Windows: press the Windows key, type Downloads , and then press Enter.

Also, you can use the same way on Windows computer to change the default save location of the web browser on Mac. Under the "General" tab, click the "Save downloaded files to" option to set the destination.

If none of the above methods can help you fix downloads not showing up issue and your downloaded files are still missing, there is still an effective way to restore downloaded files by using a data recovery application. When you can't find the downloaded file anywhere with anyway, the final useful way is resorting to EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard.

It is a versatile file recovery program that enables you to recover hidden, deleted, formatted easily, and virus-attack documents, photos, audios, videos, etc. Besides, if the downloaded files are completely removed and not showing up anyhow, this EaseUS data recovery software allows you to recover deleted files in Windows 10 on Windows and Mac computer in three steps. Step 1. Launch EaseUS file recovery software on your computer.

Choose the exact location where you lost the files and click the Scan button. Step 2. The software will immediately start scanning the drive and very soon the deleted files will show up. When the process is over, you can filter the document files.


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