Where do android studio download plugins to?

Deprecated APIs will be removed approximately one year later during the subsequent major update. Android Gradle plugin 7. This minor update includes various bug fixes. To see a list of notable bug fixes, read the related post on the Release Updates blog. When using Android Gradle plugin 7. Android Studio Arctic Fox bundles JDK 11 and configures Gradle to use it by default, which means that most Android Studio users do not need to make any configuration changes to their projects.

The new Variant API is now stable. See the new interfaces in the com. As part of the new Variant API, we have made available a number of intermediate files, called artifacts, through the Artifacts interface. These artifacts, like the merged manifest, can be safely obtained and customized by using third-party plugins and code. We will continue extending the Variant API by adding new functionalities and augmenting the number of intermediate artifacts we make available for customization.

For Android projects consisting of an app with library dependencies, it is recommended to set checkDependencies to true as shown below, and to run lint via. If a module's sources and resources have not changed, the lint analysis task for the module does not need to run again. As a result, Lint can run even faster. The Lint report task also does not need to run if its inputs have not changed.

AGP no longer supports running lint from dynamic-feature modules. In previous versions of AGP, it would run lint for all variants. R8 more precisely and consistently handles missing classes and the -dontwarn option. Therefore, you should start to evaluate the missing class warnings emitted by R8. When R8 encounters a class reference that is not defined in your app or one of its dependencies, it will emit a warning that appears in your build output. For example:. This warning means that the class definition java.

Two common reasons to ignore the warning are:. You can ignore a missing class warning by adding a -dontwarn rule to your proguard-rules. Add the rules to your proguard-rules. In AGP 7. In AGP 8. It is possible to keep the AGP 7. Previously introduced in AGP 2. This change does not impact build time. To enable this feature, set compileOptions to the desired Java version and set compileSdkVersion to 30 or above:.

In most cases, the AGP Upgrade Assistant will automatically migrate your project to the new configurations. If you are compiling against the Android Gradle plugin, your compile classpath may change. If you depend on an AGP dependency at compile-time, be sure to add it as an explicit dependency.

Previously, you could add a native library in a Java resources folder, and register the folder using android. Starting with AGP 7. Instead, use the DSL method intended for native libraries, android. For more information, see how to configure source sets. Android Gradle Plugin 7.

Projects that use the Kotlin Multiplatform support need to update to Kotlin 1. As a workaround, you can downgrade the Android Gradle plugin to 4. For more information, see KT There is no lint text output printed to stdout when the lint task is up-to-date issue For more context, see Behavior changes for lint.

This issue will be fixed in Android Gradle plugin 7. As a workaround, the lint task can be run on those libraries. Starting in version 4.

Java 8 provides access to a number of newer language features including lambda expressions, method references, and static interface methods. For the full list of supported features see the Java 8 documentation. To keep the old behavior, specify Java 7 explicitly in your module-level build.

The new JVM resource compiler is enabled by default. Android Gradle Plugin 4. To enable one or both of these formats in your build, add the following properties to your module-level build. This new flag takes care of the APK signing step in the deployment process.

It is now possible to enable or disable app signing in Android Gradle plugin per variant. This example demonstrates how to set app signing per variant using the onVariants method in either Kotlin or Groovy:.

To reduce clutter in build output, AGP 4. Previously, a line of output was generated for every file that was built, resulting in a large quantity of informational messages. If you would like to see the entirety of the native output, set the new Gradle property android.

You can set this property in either the gradle. Command line -Pandroid. Starting in AGP 4. In other words, if you declare a property in a gradle. In AGP 4. This change reflects the new Gradle behavior and supports configuration caching. For more information on setting values in gradle. In previous releases, JDK 8 was bundled with Studio. When using the new bundled JDK to run Gradle, this may result in some incompatibility or impact JVM performance due to changes to the garbage collector.

These issues are described below. Android Studio 4. For more information about Gradle compatibility, see Update Gradle. To potentially improve build performance, we recommend testing your Gradle builds with the parallel garbage collector. In gradle. To measure build speed with different configurations, see Profile your build.

This causes an increase in APK size, but it results in a smaller installation size on the device, and the download size is roughly the same. This means that:. This means that it is no longer possible to write the following in Kotlin scripts for some collections that previously supported it:. Android Gradle plugin 4. To export your native libraries, add the following to the android block of your library project's build. In this example, the mylibrary and myotherlibrary libraries from either your ndk-build or CMake external native build will be packaged in the AAR produced by your build, and each will export the headers from the specified directory to their dependents.

Kotlin uses custom metadata in Java class files to identify Kotlin language constructs. R8 now has support for maintaining and rewriting Kotlin metadata to fully support shrinking of Kotlin libraries and applications using kotlin-reflect.

For more information, see Shrinking Kotlin libraries and applications using Kotlin reflection with R8 on Medium. When you build the debug version of your app using Android Gradle plugin 4. The cleanBuildCache task and the android. The android. Starting with this release, fields from R classes are no longer kept by default , which may result in significant APK size savings for apps that enable code shrinking. This should not result in a behavior change unless you are accessing R classes by reflection, in which case it is necessary to add keep rules for those R classes.

Last Updated : 06 Oct, Recommended Articles. Fix "Error running android: Gradle project sync failed. Please fix your project and try again" in Android Studio.

Article Contributed By :. Easy Normal Medium Hard Expert. Writing code in comment? Add some color to your brackets and parentheses with the Rainbow Brackets plugin! Complex Java code for Android applications can often contain a lot of boilerplate code constructors, getters, setters, etc. This can lead to lengthy, difficult to read, and tedious to maintain methods. Project Lombok is a Java library that plugs into your IDE and generates those boilerplate code, keeping your code short and readable.

The difference between pre and post Lombok code can be quite staggering. In addition, the Project Lombok website offers a lot on helpful resources for plugin users and developers. To adapt to all Android screen sizes and resolutions, every Android project contains a drawable folder. Unless you find this activity to have therapeutic value, Android Drawable Importer is the plugin that is going to save you a ton of time.

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When you have a lot of drawable components in your project, remembering which is which can get hard. With Android Drawable Preview Plugin, you do. This Android Studio plugin replaces the default icons with drawables previews inside the project view. The above accepted answers is for older versions. Ankit Kumar Ankit Kumar 3, 2 2 gold badges 21 21 silver badges 36 36 bronze badges.

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