Sims 3 how to download multiple mods

Qbuilderz also discovered two techniques to really up your decorating game: geoblending and aerostacking. This allows you to stack up items and also have your stuff blend into the environment easily. Like what you see? Check out even more artworks to add to The Sims 3 over here. This Japanese Culture Trait mod adds exactly that, a hidden trait that can be improved upon. Have you ever found yourself thinking about all that you can learn with the help of Google and Wikipedia?

Well, now your sims can study skills as easily as you can with the Study Skills Online mod. Just hop your sim onto a PC, tablet, or smartphone and start studying. Have a sim that wants to make it as a comedy writer? Perhaps they spend all their time dreaming of being a stand-up legend? Well, the very specific Stand Up Comedy mod will allow your sim to do just that. This mod adds a skill based career, the skill necessary, and a microphone that allows sims to tell a slew of jokes or comedy routines.

Like The Sims 4 included! They act as though they have all the money in the world to blow, taking taxis to go across the street. Ever want to live out a sitcom-esque scenario with your sims? Sims being unable to get sick until The Sims 3: Seasons was a bummer, so this modder busted out the Diseases Dysentery and Dramatitis mod.

Finally, you can roleplay The Oregon Trail! Sims are weird with their sudden growth spurts periodically throughout their lives. Want a bit of challenge in acquiring money? Like realism in your Sims 3? Raises will also only be a 0. Additionally, it lowers the time it takes to cook food to begin with. Couple that with the More Realistic Dining mod and you can get your sim eating faster or slower.

Oh and here are edible onigiri and white rice mods. The Sims 3 has maybe, like, three great haircuts. Make sure your sims are always fresh to death with a variety of hair mods. Like, well-designed ones that keep up with current trends. No longer will you be limited to buzz cut or super extravagant hairstyles.

Sure, you might have a few options for the shorter fences, but this is your first ever chance to get a short chain-link fence. Looking for a nice, modern graveyard? Something your sims will be happy to totally get buried in? Here she has a modern graveyard that you can plot down somewhere on your town. Have a sports loving sim? Their number one goal in life to make it in sports? This mod will let your sims let their anime flag fly by adding a channel for animation.

This adds a new level for your sims to be able to get into anime and allow for that kind of roleplaying. Your sims can work on basically just a bunch of junk and turn it into a one of a kind car by the end of it all. Perfect for the vehicle loving sims in your life.

Anyway, this mod makes that whole process a bit faster so that you can get your sims in that cool car in no time. Are your sims total hogs? Do they absolutely hate sharing? Well, then these two mods will definitely be for you. Also, grab this locked treasure chest that works the same way as the door to make a portable solution to your hoarding needs. Ever want a sweatshop? But it will allow you to hire a factory service worker that will make gadgets and gizmos galore for you. The gadgets that they build will depend on your family member knowing how to make it first.

With University Life came the ability for your sims to protest up a storm. Protests could form literally in the most random locations by a group of people. It could become annoying for your game if it got buggy. Either way, this mod is for you. Like normal humans do. Oh, and it only happens when your sim arrives home while wearing work attire. It allows you to basically choose the coffee your sim will drink.

Choose from a latte, frothiccino, chai, or cappuccino. Then, you can choose the amount of shots, the flavor twist, and kind of milk, and even if your sim wants whipped cream or sprinkles.

Also included are moodlets that are affected depending on the ingredients chosen. Find it kind of annoying how sim relationships seem to deteriorate very easily? Like as if all it takes is to not talk for a bit and BOOM not best friends anymore. Your sim will no longer get that inappropriate feeling for staying over too late. This is extremely useful since sims tend to get tired of your shit really easily.

If you love sending your sims to the spa but hate making the trip, you can get this mod for a buyable mudbath and standalone sauna. Additionally, you can get yourself a massage table and get your sim nice and relaxed.

Big cats. No, not dogs made to look like cats. Not just small cats made to look like lions and tigers. No, no, no, these are big cats all standing alone as they are. And they are now yours. Have a novelist sim that takes way too long to crank out his masterpieces? This mod makes it so that the writing skill is improved. What this means is that the pages written per minute is increased, the flops probability is lowered, best-selling probabilities are raised, and a whole mess of more changes to bring balance.

This mod is super simple, it just makes it so that you can achieve the max cooking skill for your child sim before they turn into a teen. Makes it a bit more realistic of a goal in case you want a culinary prodigy.

Into the Future is an awesome expansion, but unfortunately it also brought a lame bug with it. This mod fixes that. The famous Normandy ship is now a building for your sims to move into. Everything has been replicated pretty well within The Sims 3. There are tons of recipe mods that you should check out to make dinner around your sim household better. For example, check out this Spring Harvest one to add four plants, four plantable ingredients, five non-plantable ingredients, and 12 recipes to the game.

This mod adds way more people to the party at bars and clubs. The mod sends the sims over as soon as your sim enters the different lots.

And yes, you can set the amount of sims that would be sent. Want your sim to be a great person in their careers? This mod adds the Social Caring career tree. As you can see above, it will allow you to be a person that helps others get through their day when they would otherwise have trouble. Some of the stuff in The Sims 4 is to be envied by The Sims 3. This mod brings to the third game all the fun toys that the fourth has.

And by awhile, I mean five minutes. This mod just shuts that right off for you while retaining the reward. A really cool thing that modders love to do is inject real world stuff into The Sims. Step 2: Navigate your way to the Sims 3 documents folder. This is where you are able to configure your content within the game by adding any type of mods or coding.

Step 3: On the left-hand toolbar, select Documents. Then open the Electronic Arts folder and lastly you should see the Sims 3 folder. Step 4: Next you should install the Framework Setup File. This file is needed to install sims 3 mods.

Step 5: Next go to the bottom of the page and select download to install the zip file. Step 6: Extract the content from the FrameworkSetup. First, ensure that you have the necessary program for extraction. The file you have downloaded will be a compressed file like a. Extract the files and place the. And that is it! This is how to install mods on Sims 3, with 10 easy steps. Just tweak your game to accept custom content, download the mod and paste it into your Packages file. Fast and not that complicated, and it makes thousands of different The Sims 3 mods available to you for free if you want to spice things up with the classic life simulation game.

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