Napaloean hill books summary pdf download
Successful people reach decisions promptly and definitely, changing their mind slowly. They know what they want and, generally, get it. Definiteness of decision always requires courage.
Procrastination, the opposite of decision, is a common enemy which practically every person must conquer. Lack of persistence is one of the major causes of failure. Which of the aforementioned factors are you lacking, which might be hindering your persistence? On the contrary, lack of persistence begets the following symptoms:. A mastermind is having a team of people in place, whose job it is to help you succeed and carry out your plans. Who could be in your team and how could you form one in the next 30 days?
Nobody can acquire great power and succeed without the power of a mastermind. According to the author:. The goal of a mastermind is to convert knowledge into power, by organising it into definite plans, and then translating plans into action. The desire for sex is the most powerful of human desires. Its motivating force brings keenness of imagination, courage, will-power, persistence and creative ability unknown to people at other times.
Sexual drive the thoughts of physical expression can be transmuted into highly creative and productive outlets, used as a powerful force for success, or, of course, the accumulation of riches. It requires the exercise of will-power, but the reward is worth the effort. The subconscious mind is the connecting link between the finite mind of a human and infinite intelligence.
The subconscious mind can be used as a medium for transmuting your desires into their physical or monetary equivalent. However, if you fail to plant your own desires into it, as a result of your neglect, it will feed upon any thoughts that reach it. To gain control over your subconscious mind, form the habit of applying and using to your advantage the following 7 major positive emotions: Desire, Faith, Love, Sex, Enthusiasm, Romance, Hope.
The mere presence of a single negative emotion in your conscious mind might be sufficient to destroy all chances of constructive aid from your subconscious mind. Eventually, the positive emotions will dominate your mind completely, so that the negative ones cannot enter. Vibrations of an exceedingly high rate are the only vibrations picked up and carried, by the ether, from one brain to another.
The understanding of the sixth sense comes only by meditation, through mind development from within. However, the sixth sense will never function if indecision, doubt, and fear remain in your mind. They are closely related: indecision crystallises into doubt, and the two blend to become the end result, fear. Fear is just a state of mind. It is subject to control and direction. Use this knowledge to your advantage.
More than a forerunner of all personal development books, "The Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons" has spanned generations inspiring men and women around the world, proving to be a timeless book. Napoleon Hill was an American entrepreneur and one of the greatest personal fulfillment authors of all time. So Hill has developed teachings that have influenced leaders o n every continent in pursuit of professional and personal success. Besides, reading the book can benefit anyone seeking personal development and ways to succeed in different areas of their lives.
Everything you know and everything you think is worth nothing without your actions;. You have to find out what your natural talent is;. The main cause of failure is not having set a primary goal in life or the inability to set clear and achievable goals;.
You must have a defined goal to keep moving in one direction;. If you master your fear, you will undoubtedly overcome your biggest block and achieve success. Saving is just a matter of habit; only good habits require determination and willpower;. You have to make a habit of striving to achieve your Defined Main Objective;.
Enthusiasm can be defined as a state of mind that inspires and incites the individual to action;. It is important that you develop a genuine interest in others;.
Do not look at successful people with envy;. When two or more people team up to achieve a goal, their power is much greater. You must surround yourself with people who have skills you don't have;. Failure may not be a negative thing;. Golden Rule: Do to others what you would like them to do to you. Do you have no time to read now? Then download the free PDF and read wherever and whenever you want:. In Napoleon Hill's w ords:. Thus, the synergy needed to form the Master Mind occurs between individuals with the same vision.
This has ev erything to do with that saying, "A man is known by the company he keeps". Another very important factor when talking about Master Mind is that, in this concept, negative thoughts are not tolerated. You have to find out what you r natural talent is. From this: organize, coordinate and use this natural talent to your advantage. Probably, your talent is a raw material that you will need to sharpen. Knowledge is gained from experience. Therefore, you must have a defined goal to keep moving in one direction.
Yes, you can do anything if you truly believe you can. But to do that, you have to get rid of two things: ignorance and fear - these two things always go together.
Napoleon Hill is emphatic in stating t hat fear is the main reason for 'poverty' and 'failure'. As Brazilian poet Cecilia Meireles wrote in one of her Songs:. Saving is just a matter of habit. But good habits requ ire determination and willpower. To start saving, an alternative is to set a main goal. Th e thing is:. You save and your subconscious takes over and creates a mental model;. Your thoughts and actions are driven by this project;.
You increase your income and your saving habits also increase. Leaders basically are initiators who have a defined primary purpose and h ave self-confidence. According to Napoleon Hill, to become an initiative person , you have to make a habit of striving to reach your Defined Main Goal remember? That way you can also use your imagination to rearrange old ideas into new combinations. I will definitely recommend this book to self help, business lovers. Your Rating:.
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