Music k 8 free downloads

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Remember that you must download the files within seven days of your purchase or they will no longer be available, so contact us as soon as possible. We strongly suggest you make a backup of your files for safe-keeping and keep them in a different location than the originals. You may want to burn a copy to a CD or keep them on an external disk or drive or portable device. View our tutorial video about accessing your downloadable Music K-8 subscription. If you didn't have an account when you purchased the downloadable magazine, one was created for you when the order was processed, and an e-mail was sent to your billing e-mail address.

Check that e-mail for login instructions. Enter your login information orange arrows. A temporary password will be sent to you via e-mail. Once you are logged in, click the button for the magazine you are interested in downloading. The buttons are only clickable if you are a subscriber to that magazine. If you clicked on the Music K-8 button, the next page will look similar to the screenshot below.

Buttons are only visible if your magazine subscription includes that particular option. On the following page, click on the link "Download Music K-8, Vol. XX, No. On the next page, click on the "Continue" button after each download is finished. If you don't already have one installed, download an app from the app store. Once in the app store, just search for "zip.

Click the link for the downloadable file in Safari, and a screen should pop up showing the Zip file. In the upper right corner of Safari, text should give you the option to open the file in whatever Zip app you downloaded.

Click on that text. The app you downloaded should open asking if you want to extract or unzip the downloadable files. Select "yes," and all of your files should be accessible e. I put zero limitations on this which can present challenges — it can be as simple or complex as they want. I expect to see things that are literally just letters on a piece of paper, maybe a line of different colors, sometimes I have students use full music notation and even put their composition in with notation software — it really can be whatever they want.

It HAS to be on the paper. Okay, ready? Prepare for creative chaos! I open up the room and tell the students to get creative. I provide dice, cards, and coins for students to use or let them create something on their own for randomization. I let the students use the classroom instruments, their OWN band instruments if they are in band , and whatever else they can think of to create music within reason of course.

Give the students time to work as long as you feel they are being productive I usually give them about 2 periods of 45 minutes to compose their song. Then have them perform the piece for the class — using friends if need be to cover other parts! Okay, how about we roll a die for each of those notes and see how many times you are going to play that note. Then flip a coin to see if it repeats or not! This activity is less about the final product and more about the complete process underwent.

I absolutely stress this statement to my students. Sometimes the songs sound cool and fun — sometimes they sound like nonsense. There are no wrong answers with this activity! I have had an entire composition that could be played on a single chair using a pencil — and it was actually really cool!

They flipped a coin numerous times to see if they were supposed to hit the seat or the back which each had different sounds. Then I pushed them to take it a step further and see if they could find a method to add dynamics by chance. My personal favorite was a student who created a 12 by 12 grid of color blocks.

Each color meant a different instrument was supposed to play an unspecified pitch. He had 3 friends perform with him. Whichever number I said was the direction he rotated his grid and that was the direction of how the song was played through.

So he basically was able to write 4 songs in one simply by rotating his piece of paper. I had a student who randomized EVERY possible aspect he could and put his composition into Noteflight music notation software.

He rolled a die to see how many measures, flipped a coin to see what time signature, drew cards to see what pitch, flip a coin for what dynamic, rolled a die to determine what rhythm, etc. The end result sounded ….. Well … that was a rather lengthy post! I hope this at the very least gave you some ideas to help conquer the beast that is general music class!

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