Html if computer embed pdf if mobile download pdf

Batfan Batfan 7, 6 6 gold badges 31 31 silver badges 53 53 bronze badges. Ref: stackoverflow. PKTG I just tested this and it's working for me. See below jsfiddle. Yes, it is. The issue actually was that the src was malformed in my code. Thanks for the time. Show 3 more comments. As noted in another answer, scribd actually uses pdf2swf to convert pdf files — Peter Craig. I highly recommend against using scribd - I have just performed an experiment on a particular document and in firefox 4 it only displays the first 3 pages, whereas in IE9 its rendering text wrong - its offset some sections of the page.

So technically speaking it is buggy. Additionally they expect you to subscribe to print or download documents! Essentially they are taking previously free documents and erecting a paywall around them. But it uses HMTL5 canvas, so it should be easy to embed, and it's fast. I also find it to be very, very slow for larger pdf documents. RoccoTheTaco any alternative with high performance? Kristian Glass Lukasz Korzybski Lukasz Korzybski 6, 1 1 gold badge 26 26 silver badges 27 27 bronze badges.

One thing that should be mentioned is that there's an upper limit to the size of the PDF that can be displayed. PS: I don't think the viewer is "unofficial"; they even have a how-to page that constructs the embed URL for you: docs. This option works great, but you have to make your PDFs publicly accessible, which for me is not always an option. And in the case of the iframe it just does not load. You are allowed to set the privacy of any Google Docs between public , sign-in required , and private.

It is definitely an official feature, considering any document on Google Docs has an embed option. Another thing that should be mentioned is the "you have made too many requests recently" warning , which is a limitation.

Matthew Lock Gayle Gayle 2, 3 3 gold badges 18 18 silver badges 12 12 bronze badges. That's the best solution because is using the browser capabilities and not a complicated third-party solution.

They have to upgrade. We've stop supporting these browsers long time ago. Suneel Kumar Suneel Kumar 5, 2 2 gold badges 28 28 silver badges 40 40 bronze badges. This will not work in browsers if pdf addon in not installed or out of date — Umair Hamid.

Also, this will not validate for those that are concerned with code validation. This worked great for me, whereas using the embed tag by itself was deemed unsafe by Chrome and Firefox. For some reason on Android chrome it doesn't embed the PDF and instead offers to download it. On iPhone safari it shows only the first page of the PDF.

Emilio Gort 3, 3 3 gold badges 28 28 silver badges 43 43 bronze badges. Dan Mantyla Dan Mantyla 1, 1 1 gold badge 21 21 silver badges 32 32 bronze badges. I guess you will only show the first page then — seb. Wouldn't be wise to go much larger than that, I think mobile browsers have a hard time display images like that.

This is why I called it the "quick and dirty" method, but it's a good one I think so long as the PDF is no more than a few pages. This doesn't seem to work.

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Ask Question. Asked 8 years, 2 months ago. Active 3 years, 7 months ago. Viewed 23k times. Improve this question. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. Thanks for your help. As I am implement an ebook like web application. When user click on image, it show pdf on a top layer, is it possible on mobile device? That means I need the mobile browser with pdf viewer plugin installed?


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