Great courses app download to firestick cant find
The Great Courses App enables you to play courses you have purchased from us. No exams. No homework. No schedule. Just a world of knowledge available anytime, anywhere, via video or audio. More than courses available at TheGreatCourses. Welcome to The Great Courses app! The most recent update enables you to easily toggle back and forth from audio to video without missing a word! In addition, you can navigate to other apps while listening to a lecture. Enjoy the app and please send any suggestions to us at custserv thegreatcourses.
Yes, you need to download first if you live in a rural area. Put the phone down, people! The only true issue I have is the buttons are tiny, and even when I was home, sitting still, I had to try several times to make it understand I wanted to download.
And I have fairly small fingers. Which is not so great for my wallet, granted, but a great way to consume information. Despite providing good content, this organization has a unintuitive app and zero customer support. I got the download for two classes in December but could not them to import them into the app. Despite extensively working through the app on my phone I decided to call customer support. Can you explain it another way?
A: Sure! Think of streaming like the radio. When you turn on your radio, you can listen to a broadcast. Downloading is like making a cassette tape of your favorite radio program so you can listen to it again later.
You plan to enjoy your courses when you do not have internet access. You will always use the same device to enjoy your courses. Your smartphone or tablet data plan is limited. See Streaming FAQ for more details.
For optimal performance, we recommend an internet connection speed of 40 mpbs or higher. Follow the steps above to access your Digital Library and find the course you would like to download. Please keep in mind that you can only download courses if you purchased either the video download or the audio download format.
You may also right-click on the downward arrow to download. In the window that pops up, you will be prompted to choose where you would like to save the file and what you would like to name it. We recommend choosing a location you will remember.
It is also helpful to create a new folder to collect all the files for the course since each lecture will be a different file. Your file will begin downloading.
Repeat the steps above for each of the remaining lectures in the course. Video lectures are large files and may take a while to download. We recommend that you download those one at a time, especially if you have a slower internet connection. Choose the right accessibility profile for you. OFF ON. Seizure Safe Profile Eliminates flashes and reduces color.
This profile enables epileptic and seizure prone users to browse safely by eliminating the risk of seizures that result from flashing or blinking animations and risky color combinations. Vision Impaired Profile Enhances the website's visuals. This profile adjusts the website, so that it is accessible to the majority of visual impairments such as Degrading Eyesight, Tunnel Vision, Cataract, Glaucoma, and others.
Cognitive Disability Profile Assists with reading and focusing. This profile provides various assistive features to help users with cognitive disabilities such as Autism, Dyslexia, CVA, and others, to focus on the essential elements of the website more easily. Cognitive Disability Profile Assists with reading and focusing. This profile provides various assistive features to help users with cognitive disabilities such as Autism, Dyslexia, CVA, and others, to focus on the essential elements of the website more easily.
This profile significantly reduces distractions, to help people with ADHD and Neurodevelopmental disorders browse, read, and focus on the essential elements of the website more easily. Blind Users Screen-reader Use the website with your screen-reader. Note: This profile prompts automatically to screen-readers.
Keyboard Navigation Motor Use the website with the keyboard. Note: This profile prompts automatically for keyboard users. Content Adjustments. Content Scaling. Readable Font. Highlight Titles. Highlight Links. Text Magnifier. Adjust Font Sizing. Align Center. Adjust Line Height. Align Left. Adjust Letter Spacing. Align Right. Color Adjustments. Dark Contrast. Light Contrast.