Gmail auto download files

Clean Your Inbox Manage your mailbox overloaded with unwanted emails more efficiently. How to Download Gmail Emails to PC From switching to a different email service to just wanting a local backup for record keeping purposes, there are many reasons to download Gmail emails to computer, and this article explains how to do it in a way that you can understand regardless of how much experience with computers you have.

Clean Email Take control of your mailbox. Yes, Gmail, just like all other Google services, allows you to download your data to your computer. Downloading Gmail emails helps you protect your messages against loss, and it takes just a few minutes to complete. Google offers a native tool that lets you easily download all data associated with your Google account, including your messages. Looks like this Zap will let you save attachments to Google Drive based on a specific label you label your emails with.

You can install the Send to Google Drive script and it will automatically download all Gmail attachments that have the label GoogleDrive to your Drive folder. Assuming that you are logged in to your Google account, create a copy of this sheet in your Google Drive. Open the sheet and you should see a new Gmail menu — click Initialize and grant the necessary permissions. Next go the Gmail menu again and select Run. The script runs in the background and will watch your "GoogleDrive" label for any new messages to process.

I noticed the other answers describe how to do this to Google Drive, but you said you wanted them downloaded to your I presume local file system.

Check the description here for a detailed guide to using Thunderbird for this purpose. The tool Mail Attachment Downloader from GearMage does exactly what you requested and also provides a great deal of flexibility. I've started using it myself and I am very pleased with the results.

I am adding the following in case you decide to go with my pre-edit answer, so that all parts of this answer can "stand on their own":. Gmail doesn't offer a built-in feature to download the attachment of several emails "at the same", but there are several ways to achieve the desaired result. Use Google Apps Script to send the attachments to Google Drive, then use the Google Drive desktop client to automatically download the attachments to your computer's desktop. Sign up to join this community.

The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Automatically download all attachments from Gmail with a specific label Ask Question. Asked 9 years, 1 month ago. Active 4 years, 9 months ago. This is a useful feature, but some of you may not want to keep it or want to disable it for some reasons.

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