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Glad I could come squeal with all of you because I love this show so far. It's weird, quirky, and hilarious! I love Bong-soon and Park Bo-young always makes me love her characters right off the bat.

I am sailing on the Min-hyuk and Bong-soon ship already. I like Gook-doo and I think her crush on him is adorable the hearts, omg but I like how cheeky she is with Min-hyuk. Also he speaks her language because I had no clue what stop motions were but he figured it out! Gook Doo has a girlfriend? So is there a breakup in the near future, or is there no love triangle in this show? I wish Gook Doo at least knew about Bong Soon's superhuman strength seeing as how they're high school friends, although that would nix his heart-fluttering taser gesture.

I like how Min Hyuk says whatever's on his mind and thought he was totally in his right to use banmal with his bodyguard. He was very sweet to cover for Bong Soon, and I assumed he was going to offer her the job on the spot. Wouldn't it have been faster to chase after his stalker on his hoverboard? I am loving this. Can't wait to see more! The Girl Who Sees Smells vibes! Actually, that came to mind after ep. I love the comedic moments in this episode.

I love Park Bo Young's cuteness and the way that she portrayed the pint-sized power keg that is Bong Soon. I do have a bit of a hang up over some editing and scene continuity issues but I'm willing to let it go for now. Bong Soon and Min Hyuk's interacti9ns have definitely won me over. Can't wait to see how the story will progress moving forward. Keeping my fingers crossed that this drama will be able to retain and improve its viewership shares.

I'm so happy, this first episode exceeded my expectations and they were already pretty high after seeing those cute teasers! This drama is like the perfect rom com with some good crime plot involved. Park Hyungsik continues to impress me, if nobody told me his primary job isn't acting I wouldn't have known. I can already feel the chemistry between him and Park Boyoung, isn't she the cutest??

It looks like we have three time-travelers. Woo Reuk apparently decided to lose his musical skills and became a gangster. Pa Oh retired from wrestling and opened a walnut tart shop. Thank goodness they time-traveled into a delightful drama, and left the mess that was Hwarang behind! When the girl in the alley screamed and nobody heard I was wondering where super-hearing lady from Voice was when we needed her.

Disguised voice making threats sounded just like every other disguised voice making threats. Does the disguiser make everyone sound the same where's super-hearing lady again? And does everyone know about the commotion involving a certain other person taking the name of a Ha Ji-won character? Huh maybe. I did feel some subtle commentary with the sleazy assemblyman case and AMH not liking the police.

Or maybe it is because I have seen too many of the recent Korean movies with social commentary in them like The King? I'm not sure which dramafire or any of those have been guaranteed not to have viruses. And my technology does support DF Superstar offline downloading? There goes my year subscriptions. I'm sad not to add to revenue.

Maybe I can look into buying my favorite drama. Wait, I don't own a dvd player. Must look into a laptop. Watch out for sites that offer a choice of servers that includes "openload". Openload has sent me malicious adds more than once. Avoid at all costs. I downloaded 1 ep for each show from there. It did say openload with various sizes. Was that bad? I always watch and download fron Kissasian. About the viruses, so far my laptop is doing well. Maybe you need good antivirus.

Heee I dont know much about these things, since Viki or Dramafever are not accessible in my country. Therefore free drama sites are always my option.

Thanks for the recap, murasakimi! Was waiting for the recap and so happy to see it. Must reply before heading to bed Honestly, I had very high expectations for this show since it's got my fave Jisoo and I love Hyungsik and Boyoung as well. The teasers were all so funny and cute, so I was really anticipating this show to fill my drama drought.

After watching ep. How awesome is our spunky heroine and quirky CEO!! And they even had an encounter during his high school days!! I think over time, he will definitely realize who that pink hoodie girl really is.

I love how he finds her assertiveness sexy. And her super strength is no joke! I think the show handled those comedic super natural moments quite well. It's funny, yet not too overboard that it'd be cheesy. I love the righteous Jisoo as well. He really nails this character. The way Bongsoon looks at Gookdoo Well, not too hard to understand why and I'm sure many feel the same way. I like how Minhyuk is confident in himself, and is actually turned on, not off, by Bongsoon's strength.

I was expecting Minhyuk to hire Bongsong on the spot outside the police station, so I was surprised to see him think of that later. The whole arm wrestling was too funny. Poor Secretary Gong! That whole flying back into the wall scene was hilarious, especially when viewed from Bongsoon's perspective. Getting the helmet from the delivery guy was brilliant.

I love the whole ancestors history as well! Funny comics drawn plus punishments ranging from leprosy to diarrhea to powerlessness It's very interesting and draws us into the world of Bongsoon, who's gotta be on guard to not abuse her power, but who has internal turmoils when it comes to serving justice.

I like the twins where one got the brains and the other got the brawn. That hospital scene with Bongki was pretty funny when he realized who was behind the interesting X-rays. But the childhood scene was touching to see when his noona saved him.

Bongsoon's birth story was amusing as well. I really quite like the balance between the light and dark moments. Since Gookdoo is a detective and he got assigned to a violent crimes unit, it'd only make sense if the police have crimes to solve.

Otherwise, they'd just be watching TV and twiddling their thumbs all day. I want to see Gookdoo being a good detective and even rising the ranks despite his principled nature because of his determination, acute sense, and skills. Inspector Koo: Episode 8. Happiness: Episode 5. Hellbound: Episodes Series review.

Kim Min-jae, Kim Hyang-gi courted for new tvN sageuk. Jirisan: Episode 8. Inspector Koo: Episode 7. Please enter your username or email address. You will receive a link to create a new password via email. A verification email has been sent to your new email address. Please click the link in that email to complete the email change process. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna.

Strong Woman Do Bong-soon. User ratings: Click to Review or Comment. Share Share to. How can a show be so perfect? Also YES! Sojuboy February 26, at AM. Bo is a little power house. Terrific actress! Laarnie February 26, at AM.

Miranda February 26, at PM. Heh, how cute is it that Bong-soon called her brother oppa, while he called her noona? Aigoooo February 26, at AM. Rainbowfish February 27, at PM. This show has forever ruined me. I know I know it wasn't his legs or his butt or hourglass figure but it was funny. Can't wait for the next episode! Forever ingrained in my mind now though I know it's really not him. Why is Jisoo prettier than me? Why does Ji-soo have a sexier bod than me?

Ji Soo breaking girls' hearts everywhere- from body envy! I'm sure this is not what his manager had in mind when he did this role. Nessie February 26, at PM. Ji-soo in a red lacy dress and blonde wig is a gift that I can't unsee lol.

Nope not too much!! I have been squeeing about her all episode! She is adorable. Andrea February 26, at AM. I can watch HIM all day :. Andrea February 27, at PM. Hi minnie. I agree. I don't see a mix signal either. He's certainly protective of her like a big bro kind.

Im so happy for the cast for the impressive ratings!! Show, you had me at plus alpha. His blink-blink did-I-hear-that-right expression was so hilarious. Same here. That line totally tops my list of most unexpected line in drama.

Greenfields February 25, at PM. Rainbow Unicorn February 25, at PM. I love his style too. Who else can make a yellow jacket look so good? Joyee February 25, at PM. Rainbow Unicorn February 26, at PM. ObsessedMuch December 5, at PM. Why doesn't this blog have a "Like" or more accurately "Squealing along" button for comments?! That would be Ugh, when he did that, I lost it. Had to pause because I was temporarily braindead. Love it, love it, Love it! How cute is Park Bo Young? And how sexy was Ji Soo in a dress!!!

Thanks for recapping.. I like this! Do you happen to have a link to that video? I just can't guess what height they would be. Either super tall or super petite. It hilarious!!


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