First aid step 1 2018 pdf free download

Box 14 C ode A. If any individual earning item is negative, do not include that item in your calculation. Are you int erested in being consider ed for w ork-study? Y es No. What is the name of the high school where y ou received or will r eceive y our high school diploma?

Enter the complete high school name , and the city and state where the high school is located. IRS A tax return with Puerto Rico, another U. I have already completed my return For , have you the student completed. Qualifying widow er. Head of household. P age 5. Step T hree Student :. Answer the questions in this step t o determine if you will need to pr ovide parental inf ormation. Payments to tax-deferred pension and r etirement savings plans paid dir ectly or withheld from earnings , including, but not limited to ,.

Child support received for any of your children. Exclude rollovers. If negative, enter. Housing, food and other living allo wances paid to members of the military , clergy and others including cash payments and cash value. Educational W ork-Study allowances. Also include the untaxed portions of health savings accounts fr om IRS Form Schedule 1 —line Money received, or paid on y our behalf e. This includes money that you received from a.

Child suppor t paid because of divorce or separation or as a r esult of a legal requirement. T axable ear nings from need-based employment pr ograms, such as F ederal W ork-Study and need-based employmen t portions of. T axable college grant and scholarship aid reported to the IRS as income. Combat pay or special combat pa y. Only enter the amount that w as taxable and included in your adjusted gr oss income.

Were you born before January 1, ? As of today, are you married? Are you currently serving on active duty in the U. Armed Forces for purposes other than training? Are you a veteran of the U. Armed Forces? Do you now have or will you have childr en who will receive more than half of their support from you between July 1, Do you have dependents other than your children or spouse who live with you and who receive more than half of their. At any time since you turned age 13, were both your parents deceased, were you in foster care or were you a dependent.

See Notes page As determined by a court in your state of legal residence, are you or were you an emancipated minor? See Notes page 1 0. Does someone other than your parent or steppar ent hav e legal guardi anship of y ou, as de termin ed b y a c ourt in y our s tate.

At any time on or after July 1, , did your high school or school district homeless liaison determine that you were an. At any time on or after July 1, , did the director of an emergency shelter or transitional housing program funded by. Department of Housing and Urban Development determine that you were an unaccompanied youth who was.

At any time on or after July 1, , did the director of a runaway or homeless youth basic center or transitional living. P age 6. Step Four Parent :. Answer all the questions in Step Four even if you do not live with your legal parents biological, adoptive, or as determined by the state [for example, if the parent is listed. Grandparents, foster parents, legal guardians, widowed stepparents, aunts, uncles, and siblings are not considered parents on this form unless they. If your legal parents are married to each other, or are not married to each other and live together , answer the questions about both of them.

This e-mail address will. Always co unt your se lf as a coll eg e stu dent. Do no t inclu de you r pare nts. Do no t inclu de sib lings w ho are i n U. Mark a ll that ap ply. Answe ring th ese q ues tions w ill NOT r educe e ligi bilit y f or s tude nt aid o r thes e pro grams.

Call to. Did your parents become. As of today, is either of. As of today , what is the marital status of your parents? Month and year. Divorced or separa ted. Health professions and law school students:. If you believ e that you ar e unable to provide par ental information, see Not es page What are the Social Security Numbers, names and dates of birth of the parents reporting information on this form? If your parent does not have a Social Security. Number, you must enter Enter two digits for each day and month e.

What income tax return did your pa re nt s. For , have your parents completed their IRS. Questions 86 and 87 ask about earnings wages, salaries, tips, etc. This information may be on the W If any individual. Report the information for the parent listed in questions in question 86 and the information f or. P age 7. For questions 84—92, if the answer is zero or the question does not apply, enter 0. Schedule 2— line Child support paid because of divorce or separation or as a result of a legal requirement.

Combat pay or special combat pay. Payments to tax-deferred pension and retirement savings plans paid directly or withheld from earnings , including, but not limited.

Tax exempt interest income from IRS Form —line 2a. Housing, food and other living allowances paid to members of the military, clergy and others including cash payments and cash. Also include the untax ed portions of health savings accounts from IRS F orm Schedule 1 —line P age 8. Step Five Student :. Step S i x Student :. Step S e v e n Student and Parent :.

ST A TE. Employer ID number or If a fee was paid to someone for advic e or. Always count yourself as a college student. Answe ring th ese q ues tions w ill NOT re duce e ligib ilit y f or s tude nt aid or t hes e pro grams. Call 00 - De cemb er 3 1 , 20 1 9, you mus t upd ate your re spo nse by lo ggi ng in to fafsa.

As of today, are you or your spouse a dislocated worker? Enter the six-digit federal school c ode and your housing plans for each college or school y ou want to r eceive y our F AFSA information. If you cannot obtain a code, write in the c omplete name, addr ess, city and state of. All of the information y ou included on. For federal student aid purposes , it does not matter in what order y ou list your selected schools. Consult y our state agency or StudentAid.

Parent A parent from Step Four sign below. Grant from more than one college for the same period of time. If you are the parent or the student, by signing this application you certify that all of the information. Complete with comprehensive information you need to ace this section of the boards and match into the residency of your choice. If you like the post please share it with your friends and family and here are some more related posts that you might like. If by chance any of the links do not work please let us know in the comment section so that we can update it as soon as possible.

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