Ethics for health professionals pdf download
An indispensable guide for student paramedics,. The book elaborates the view that health professionals have. Medical Law and Ethics covers the core legal principles, key cases, and statutes that govern medical law alongside the key ethical debates and dilemmas that exist in the field.
Carefully constructed features highlight these debates, drawing out the European angles, religious beliefs, and feminist perspectives which influence legal regulations. This collection brings together essays from leading figures in the field of medical law and ethics which address the key issues currently challenging scholars in the field.
It has also been compiled as a lasting testimony to the work of one of the most eminent scholars in the area, Professor. Pamphlet is a succinct statement of the ethical obligations and duties of individuals who enter the nursing profession, the profession's nonnegotiable ethical standard, and an expression of nursing's own understanding of its commitment to society.
Provides a framework for nurses to use in ethical analysis and decision-making. Who should have access to assisted reproductive technologies? Which one of many seriously ill patients should be offered the next available transplant organ?
When may a surrogate decision maker decide to withdraw life-prolonging measures from an unconscious patient? Questions like these feature prominently in the field of health care ethics. Are pregnant women entitled to the same rights of self-determination and bodily integrity as other adults?
This is the fundamental question underlying recent high-profile legal interventions in situations when pregnant women and healthcare staff do not agree on management options or appropriate behaviour. Thoroughly updated and featuring new case studies, this dynamic text will help students to better understand the issues they will face on the job and the implications in the legal arena. With contemporary topics, real-world examples, and accessible language, this comprehensive text offers students an applied perspective and the opportunity to develop critical thinking skills.
Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals provides an effective transition from the classroom to the reality of a clinical environment. Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals, Fourth Edition provides the reader with a clear understanding of the law and ethics as they relate to health care dilemmas and the proper foundation to make good decisions in the delivery of patient care.
The practical application of ethics in the health care setting is accomplished by interspersing the thoughts of great minds through Quotes and the real world of News Clippings, patient experiences through Cases, provider and organizational experiences through Reality Checks. The text concludes with a Summary Case that ties together the information gathered throughout the text. Each chapter includes learning objectives, key terminology, a chapter review, and review questions to assess comprehension.
The only book of its kind, it combines a visual, engaging, and modern design with scrupulous accuracy about the law, reflecting the author's experience as a legal professional.
It addresses the most recent trends in law and ethics, treating both areas with equal depth and insight, and demonstrating their deep interconnections. Coverage includes: how the law works; responsibilities of healthcare professionals; medical records, insurance, torts, and negligence; ethical decision-making; the beginning and end of life; bioethics; the future of healthcare, issues associated with diversity, and much more.
Download Legal And Ethical Issues For Health Professions books , With coverage of both legal and ethical issues, this text gives you the foundation to handle common health care challenges in everyday practice. Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professions, 4th Edition includes practice cases specifically developed for key allied health programs along with enhanced pedagogical content.
Additionally, it features a variety of exercises to help reinforce content from the book, as well as updated coverage of medical records, privacy, patient consent and abuse, the impact of interprofessional team work, and key industry trends. Detailed coverage of current legal and ethical issues and case law help facilitate interesting and relevant discussions. What If? Increased coverage of the impact of interprofessional teamwork demonstrates the impact ethics have on health care work.
Enhanced coverage of patient consent and abuse outlines what students need to know about what's right and wrong when working with patients. Updated case studies discuss the issues faced in a variety of healthcare settings. Download Ethics Of Health Care books , The textbook emphasizes the Catholic tradition in health care ethics without separating it from the broader Christian tradition.
The third edition incorporates issues that have arisen since the second, and is somewhat differently arranged. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc. Download Ethics In Health Care books , Dealing primarily with nursing in South Africa and the particular challenges that the country's nurses encounter, this book looks at the ethical questions confronting nurses as well as the moral philosophy behind those considerations.
Ubuntu—the African notion that everyone in a community is responsible for the welfare of its members—plays a large part in the moral deliberations of the book, as do problems particular to South Africa. This second edition is updated with new case studies on the AIDS pandemic as well as new ethical questions stemming from the legalization of abortion in South Africa and the rise in the power of health worker unions. Although it is now possible to alleviate many of the afflictions that beset mankind, no society can afford to pay for all the healthcare that is now available or technically possible.
People working in healthcare increasingly have to do more with less. Rationing takes many forms, mostly covert, and the less privileged in most societies end up struggling to get their proper share of the available healthcare resources. All too often, those in the front-line have to deal with the consequences of this 'rationing by default': healthcare professionals find themselves rushed off their feet simply doing the basic tasks and completing all the paperwork; placing frail, sick people in ever lengthening queues, sometimes asking them to wait for hours in the middle of the night under uncomfortable and even unsafe conditions; and, worst of all, working under conditions they would rather avoid in which the safety margin for those they are caring for has been greatly diminished.
We are all aware that under these conditions the chance of making a mistake which can seriously harm or even lead to the death of a patient is greatly increased. But what can be done about this? How can you be sure that you are doing the right thing when faced with having to practise an uncertain science on vulnerable patients in a complex system under ever-changing conditions?
At what point could you cross the invisible line from reasonable to irresponsible or unethical behaviour by tolerating conditions or tacitly accepting practices which may be regarded as unacceptable, even though you may have little immediate control over them? This book is a guide to getting it right for healthcare professionals. It is about doing the right thing, in the right way, at the right time, for the right people. These are the dimensions of quality in healthcare, and although some are in conflict equitable access and efficiency, for example , adherence to ethical practice and professional behaviour will help lead healthcare practitioners through the minefield of responsibilities and priorities.
Real-life situations are integral to the book, with over clinical examples referred to within the text. If You feel that this book is belong to you and you want to unpublish it, Please Contact us.
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