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Join the Partner Advantage program. Deploy ready-to-go solutions in a few clicks. More ways to get started. Compute Engine. How-to guides. Creating VM instances.

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GPUs on Compute Engine. Sole-tenant nodes. VM Manager. Regions and zones. Access control. Running a basic web server. Setting up applications. Setting up PostgreSQL. Building reliable and scalable applications. Load Balancing. Load testing. Performing batch processing and data analysis. Machine learning. Sending email from an instance. SQL Server. Windows Server.

The following sections provide more information about these differences. Automatic updates By default, this operating system is configured to install security updates by using the RHEL yum-cron or dnf-automatic tool. The updates have the following behaviors: The yum-cron or dnf-automatic does not upgrade VMs between major versions of the operating system. Some updates require reboots to take effect. These reboots do not happen automatically. Repositories are set to use the CentOS default mirror network.

Automatic updates are configured as follows: For CentOS 7, automatic updates are enabled by using yum-cron. However, by default CentOS does not offer security tagged repositories. IPv6 endpoints are disabled in the yum or dnf config files for all versions. Network configuration IPv6 is enabled. The DHCP client is set to retry every 10 seconds instead of every 5 minutes.

The client is also set to persistent mode instead of oneshot. The SSH server configuration is set up as follows: Password authentication is disabled. Root login is disabled. By default, all traffic is allowed through the guest firewall because the VPC firewall rules overrides the guest firewall rules. The guest firewall rules remains enabled and can be configured through normal CentOS methods.

In these cases, you have to change the setting yourself if you want to connect the interface to a network with an MTU other than For more information about network and interface MTU, see Maximum transmission unit. Bootloader configuration To force faster boot times, the boot timeout in the grub configuration is set to 0.

Additional configuration By default, images are 20 GB. This is the recommended minimum size. There are no local users configured with passwords. The floppy module is disabled because there is no floppy disk controller on Compute Engine. Support This operating system is supported by an open source project or community. For issues related to the operating system, please follow the CentOS community support guidance.

For questions specific to using this operating system on Google Cloud, post your questions to the gce-discussion forum. For information about the end of support EOS date for each of the operating systems in the table below, see the Microsoft Lifecycle Policy. Running low-level software storage tools—for example, defragmentation, full disk encryption, or volume imaging—on server folders may cause issues.

Avoid running these tools on server folders. During connector software installation, pop-up window is displayed that asks if you want to install a device driver. When you click No , you receive an unexpected error. A backup virtual device driver is installed during home computer join. If you click No in the pop-up windows, the device driver is not installed causing the connector software installation to fail.

Click Yes in the pop-up window to install the device driver. You receive an error message that says An unexpected error has occurred.

If auto logon is set for the user account, it is overwritten when you install the connector software. After you install the connector software, retain the password for the user account and reset auto logon for the account. This issue occurs when the following conditions are met:. If you do not set your server time to PST, you should not use the server or connect computers to it until the number of hours pass that equals the difference between your time and PST.

For example, if you have 4 USB connector receptacles on the front of your computer and 4 USB connector receptacles on the back of the computer, 4 connector receptacles may be lower level. If the computer does not start from the USB device after selecting it from the boot menu, verify that the USB device is not inserted in a lower level USB connector receptacle.

If you do not have information about the system board, move the USB device to another USB connector receptacle, and then restart the computer until the computer starts from the USB device. Server installation may fail when using Western Digital hard disk drives with Advanced Format. It is recommended that Western Digital hard disk drives with Advanced Format not be used as the primary hard disk drive on the server.

Computers with Windows language packs installed cannot join the server. Connecting a client computer to a server will fail unexpectedly if you have any Windows language packs installed and one of them is in use.

Change your Windows display language to match the underlying parent language of your Windows installation. This folder was created for the Windows Live OneCare forum moderators to move off topic posts into. Discussions in this folder are discouraged as it is unlikely that a question posted here will receive a reply.

If your question does not apply to Windows Live OneCare, please consider using the appropriate Microsoft Public newsgroups or other community forums found throughout the Internet. A new version v1. Hi and welcome to our new forum for discussing Zentity. If you have questions and comments on Zentity - this is the place! Zentity is a digital library repository from Microsoft Research. It can help organizations create, maintain, and visually explore library objects and their relationships.

Your library can contain digital objects and relationships of any kind. With Zentity, researchers can easily access, analyze, and unlock the previously hidden structure and relationships in your data - enabling new insight. Zentity is flexible and extensible, taking advantage of the optimizations and performance features available in Microsoft SQL Server Tark is a tool kit to mine linear temporal rules. This is a place for users of the Tark to share tips, questions, and ideas about Tark and temporal rule mining.

Use Visual Studio to develop Windows Store apps which use cloud services. Includes clients and samples for the following services:. Also includes client for Path Prediction. Did you find a Bug in Learning Manager? Log it here! In your post, please include:.

The Infer. Use the following command in the Package Manager Console:. NET 2. See the home page and the change history for details, or go directly to the download page. Please visit project website for more details. Dear Home Server Communtiy Users:. The URL will be changed, the connect programs including feedbacks and downloads will not be changed.

Thank You for Your Support! Windows Home Server Team. You will see the version as 1. This is a one time process. There is a convenient shortcut on the desktop that you can double click to do this operation. You may have to wait a few seconds after setting the password before accessing Jupyter from your browser. We have a few more new samples. A rapidly growing number of people and organizations globally from across different industries with diverse skills and requirements have started to use the DSVM.

This is quickly expanding the number and types of problems that people are trying to solve using the DSVM. It is our intention to build and grow this community and promote the healthy sustainable conversations, community based problem solving and knowledge sharing that Microsoft forums have always been known for.

The DSVM team is committed to being actively engaged in the conversations and responding whenever possible and required. The forum is intended to be the central location for our customers to interact with their peers and the DSVM team. This dialogue greatly helps not only the community and new users but also the DSVM team to make the right decisions about what direction to take the product, in future releases.

We encourage you to ask a question today. You may also open issues on GitHub at here. What is the purpose of this forum? The purpose of this forum is to give users a voice on Forums. Users can give suggestions for improvements or vote up suggestions and know that the Forums team is listening. If you are encountering a Forums bug please post this in the Forums Issues forum.

Best Practices. Who reads these suggestions? As previously stated this is a place to be heard by directly by the Forums team. Although we may not respond to every post, we are actively reading through each suggestion. We will not implement every suggestion, however, we release once a month and commit to consider suggestions from the community every release. If you have questions or feedback, please use this Forum so we can capture the conversations and update the FAQ as time goes.

For those who work with virtualization technologies, there is now a single exam specialist certification for you. For a limited time, you can take the exam for free, and prepare for it with free online training. Thinking about starting or upgrading your Microsoft certification? Still undecided about scheduling that exam? That's why we're so excited to bring back Second Shot! For those who are newer to our community: the return of Second Shot is great news for MCPs and aspiring ones because it means being able to retake an exam for free.

Just knowing there's a chance to do-over at no cost can make a big difference on exam day. The following training and certification resources are available on Microsoft Learning's community site, affectionately known as Born to Learn.

Everyone is welcome to visit the site. To comment and participate in discussions, please register as a user with a Microsoft account aka Live ID. Welcome to the Training and Certification Forum. Alligood , Rubel Khan and Niall Merrigan. We wish to thank them for contributing their time and expertise. If you want to directly tell the product team, what features, changes or enhancements you want to see in the Project family of products Project Desktop client, Project Server or Project Online , please submit your ideas or vote for existing ones at the Project UserVoice channel.

The Project SDK download is updated. The conceptual, how-to, and reference documentation in the download closely matches the Project developer documentation online content published on MSDN. Check out the following resources to learn more about Microsoft Project and Project Server:. Product information including Project Online.

Project training for IT pros and developers. Project Professional Trial Version. IT Professional related. Developer related. The Sync Framework Toolkit extends the Sync Framework capabilities for building offline applications, making it easier to expose data for synchronization to applications running on any client platform.

Sync Framework 2. Source code provides the flexibility to customize or extend the capabilities we have provided to suit your specific requirements. The client-side source code in the package is released under the Apache 2. Thanks, Sync Framework Team. The main capability available in the CTP was greatly enhanced support for offline clients.

In particular, we added the ability to easily create web services to synchronize data from SQL Server or SQL Azure databases with offline clients built on any platform - Silverlight, Windows Phone 7, iPhone or any client platform with any local client store. The final release of V4 was planned for and we were targeting the first half of this year for general availability.

This post is to inform you that we have updated our plans and postponed the V4 release for the time being. We do expect to release Sync Framework V4 in the future and will let you know the new release date when available, but it is unlikely the release will be available in There has been a great deal of interest in our V4 release, with lots of participation in the CTP.

In lieu of a formal release, we are planning to make the V4 CTP functionality available as source code samples on MSDN Code Gallery in the next few months — server code, client code and client samples. The source code samples will utilize and depend on Sync Framework V2. This was a difficult decision for the team.

Sync Framework V2. We expect to provide future versions of the synchronization developer platform. We believe that both end-user services and development platform are important to provide a complete stack for customers. With Sync Framework V2. It specifically targets the one-way download scenario for reference data.

We believe this is a common scenario and is sufficiently straightforward to integrate directly into the OData protocol. We are exploring how far to integrate sync capabilities into the OData protocol vs. We look forward to your feedback in this area as we explore together with the OData community. Sync Framework team. Read our blog for more detail,. Or start downloading now! The following SQL Compact hotfix addresses an issue that is commonly encountered when syncing tables with foreign key constraints: FIX: Error message when an application inserts a value into a foreign key column in SQL Server Compact 3.

This forum has been created to provide a place where developers can discuss these APIs with members of the Sync Framework Product Group in Microsoft as well as other developers in the community. Microsoft Research AutoCollage Links. For more information on the AutoCollage product, please click on the links below. AutoCollage comes with a comprehensive help system which describes how you can use the application to generate pleasing AutoCollages.

Please read the help first if you have a question as it may solve your issue. Below are some of the most frequently asked questions on how to best use the application.

Microsoft Research AutoCollage has an update, released on February The application will automatically choose the best images from the selected folder for inclusion in the AutoCollage.

If you have a preference for a certain set of images we recommend that you create a new folder and place the images you would like to include there. You can then select this folder in the application's Image Browser and create a new AutoCollage. AutoCollage v1. Once you have created an AutoCollage you may decide you would like to redisplay the images used to create it. To do this you simply have to press the "Esc" key. If you have selected a folder with a large amount of images in error you don't have to wait for it to complete loading all the images.

At any time during the loading process you can select another folder in the Image Browser. It will stop processing the images in the previous folder, clear the loaded images, and start loading the images from the new folder. If you wish to use images from a remote PC, you may copy those to a local folder first, what improves the performance of the AutoCollage process.

Then you can select this new folder in the application's Image Browser as normal. When you purchase AutoCollage, you receive an AutoCollage product key you can use to register your copy of AutoCollage. In order to register your copy of AutoCollage:. In order to use this archive to install AutoCollage:. In some cases, when you download software from the Microsoft Store, the software is stored in a local folder on your machine without your being prompted to install it.

To view your download and potentially install it follow the steps below. Before installing ANY software, make sure you downloaded it from a trusted source. Some AutoCollage customers may need to install the application on a newly purchased machine, taking advantage of the license for 5 machines, or to reinstall the application after upgrading to Windows 7.

On these occasions the product key is needed to register the new installation, as per the instructions in the product help, also available online. Remember that the trial version of Microsoft Research AutoCollage can be converted into the full version just by registering it, without the need of a new installation. Due to high demand, we are taking every effort to make AutoCollage broadly available as soon as possible.

We will post updates about availability in our support forum. For EU based purchases: Customer Support is available on email, phone and by post. For Australia based purchases: Customer Support is available on email, phone and by post. For France based purchases: Customer support is available by website. For Germany based purchases: Customer support is available on phone and by website.

For Canada based purchases: Customer support is available on phone and by website. For Norway based purchases: Customer support is available on phone and by website. For Denmark based purchases: Customer support is available on phone and by website.

If so, the image is updated. This problem can easily be fixed by opening it in any common image editor and saving back over the original file. Microsoft Paint is available in most Windows environments, and will properly fix this issue. If you have questions and comments on Worldwide Telescope from Microsoft Research - you've come to the right place.

Available functionality includes donor management, donation management and volunteer management. This replaces the current Donation Management 1. This template demonstrates how CRM can be used by wealth managers for effectively managing client relationships.

Make sure you tell us which version of Microsoft CRM you are working with. It really makes a difference. Here you can meet the team, join the Microsoft Dynamics Community, and find pointers to pertinent blogs. If you want to make a recommendation for a new feature or file a bug go to Dynamics Suggestions. As Rick said in Casablanca , "I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

Windows Live Writer is a desktop application that makes it easy to publish rich content to your blog. The Writer team has set up this forum to give you the opportunity to let us know your thoughts. Please post a message and let us know what you think! We will read all of these messages and your feedback will be used to improve Writer! This is not an official technical support channel.

However this is a forum where you can post questions to get help with Writer. The Writer team is not able to respond to every post and other members of this community may reply to your questions. If you know the answer to a question about Writer, please join in and respond. Links to More Information. Learn more about Writer. Install Writer. Inside Windows Live blog. New Windows Live Forums.

As you are probably aware, Microsoft stopped development and sales of Microsoft Money on June 30, We are pleased to announce the new release of Sora SDK ver 1. And now, here it comes. The latest Sora Manual contains the latest information of the Sora platform, including the basic usage, tools, programming samples and references of APIs.

We hope it will give you a handy reference to understand Sora better and help you get hands on it. We'd say the manual may still contain many mistakes and miss some information. So if you have any questions or suggestions, please let us know. The post explains the format of the dump file. The dump file is basically a binary file that contains an array of RX descriptors. Start by posting software radio related questions in the forum and leverage the knowledge available in your new forum community.

Thanks, Farooq Jiwani. Please include the following information when asking a technical support question on the forums. The information is displayed on the page. Device Brand:. Device Model:. Windows Mobile Version:. Windows Mobile Edition:.

MSN Direct Version:. MSN Direct Device :. Last updated May 20th, Hello. We've had a lot of questions and comments submitted through our feedback page since we began the tech preview.

I thought I would address them here to give you more information regarding our software. For general information, visit our webpage. Please, feel free to send me a personal message, or post them here if you have any questions!

I'll try to respond as soon as I can. If you just want to leave us feedback, we have a feedback page available on our website. Keep in mind that the feedback page on our website is one-way and you will not receive a direct response from anything sent through it. Frequently Asked Questions F. Otherwise, it's a Smartphone. If you have a device or OS you think should be supported, please contact us through the forum or our feedback page. The feeds that have been made available are focused on the U.

If you think your device should be supported, let us know which model you have, either through our forum or the feedback page. It does cycle through, just not very often as that would diminish your battery life. Throughout the day, the home screen will rotate 3 or 4 times. So, if you pick up your phone later in the day, you will see a different channel. If you find that there are no major cities near you listed, please let us know through our feedback page. Check the time setting on your phone and confirm that it is correct.

If the time is correct, try forcing another refresh. There could be a few different reasons for this. Please check the following:. To find out how to get updates when connected to your PC, see the next question of this section.

To find out how to get updates while roaming, see question 3 of this section. This is not selected by default. For Windows Vista-. To turn on Force refresh while roaming:. It updates every couple of hours automatically. The data on the servers is updated every few minutes. The news article is not formatted correctly to be read on your mobile device. This post provides error codes and descriptions for the lightweight database that is used by the Sync Framework metadata storage service.

If the metadata storage service returns an error code, you can search for that code in this post and identify the cause of the error. Check the directory for the database. Check the file name for the database. Run the repair utility to check the database file.

Close any external application that uses the database file. A different process might be using the file. Other applications will need to be shut down to free up available open files. Check the path to the database. Running the repair utility might help recover some data. In order to proceed, try closing other applications.

Thank you for your interest in Microsoft Fix it Center. If you have a support question not concerning the Fix it Center tool, please locate the appropriate forum from the following forum lists: 1.

PC — Improved performance in memory handling. Layout and link changes on www. Server-side fixes for improved performance and stability. If you have a mobile phone with Windows Mobile 6. Click the invitation code link above 2. Sign-in with your Windows Live ID 3. Go to www. In your device ring, select Add Device 5. Under the install button, select "Use Live Mesh for mobile devices" 6. A new window with the rest of the procedure will pop-up, follow the instructions. Thank you for using Live Mesh!

Complete a survey We now have an online Customer Satisfaction Survey. Thank you, The Live Mesh Team. In order to troubleshoot issues reported by our Live Mesh for Mobile customers, we will often ask you to send us your Live Mesh for Mobile logs.

To collect these logs, and submit them to us: 1. Connect the mobile device to your PC. Please zip all those logs, then file a bug on Connect see below and attach them to your bug report. Thank you for helping us improve the Live Mesh for Mobile experience! In order to help us make further improvements to this new design, please take the following action: If you have a suggestion for the redesigned Forums please post these to Suggestions and Feedback for the Forums.

Please limit one suggestion per post and we encourage users to vote up suggestions to bring attention to the Forums team. If you encounter bugs please continue to post bugs in the Forums Issues forum.

If you have additional questions or comments about the redesign, this forum is the place to post. Again, thank you for your feedback and know that your voice is being heard.

How to add newly released languages to your list of languages in Office? Now the new language is available.

When you try to translate a large Word document by using Microsoft Translator, you might get error. This is a known issue and we're working on this. If you need to translate a large Word document, we suggest you to split the large document into smaller documents.

We will post a note at the forum when this issue gets fixed. Microsoft Translator Team. Jason A. Garza Wednesday, January 27, PM. We know that some of you have invested a lot of time setting up your pages, so before the site comes down, we wanted to provide you an opportunity to save your page setup information via an OPML file. To export to OPML, follow the steps below: 1. The My.

While My. One journey is coming to an end, but more great things are around the corner. Thank you, - The My. Backing up your server Ability to backup the server and restore both data and the full system from a disaster was one of the 1 asks from our customers. Backing up the client computers Centralized backup of client computers to the Windows Home Server storage was a feature introduced in Windows Home Server V1.

If you have a bug report or a feature request and you want to make sure it gets on the Home Server team's radar, please make sure to file it using the proper form on the Microsoft Connect website. There are plenty of known issues look at the list. So please don't replace your current server with Vail, supplement it. Test it. Report all the bugs you find on Connect.

Solution There is no workaround. Description In the Japanese ja-jp language version, when you right-click a folder and select Properties, the OK , Cancel , and Apply buttons in the Folder Properties dialog box are not displayed. Issue Cannot purchase a non-Windows Live domain or transfer a non-Windows Live domain from a remote Dashboard session.

Issue Using a non-Windows Live domain results in a certificate error. Solution There are not workarounds for this issue.

Hi Vail Beta testers! Both the release notes and the guide can be found in the download package for Vail. Thanks Jonas.

Issue Dashboard performance is impacted if the Computers and Backup tab is kept open while client backups are in progress. Description If the Dashboard is kept open on the Computers and Backup tab, while client backups are in progress, the Dashboard performance will slowly degrade. Solution If the Dashboard performance starts to degrade or if the Dashboard becomes unusable, restart the Dashboard, OR do not keep the Dashboard open on the Computers and Backup page while client backups are in progress.

Issue A client computer memory leak on client backup can become a performance issue on client computers with unsuccessful backups over an extended period. Solution Reboot the client computer to clear memory, and then correct the issue causing backups to fail. Issue During a factory reset or server recovery the server restarts into WinPE and the firewall is disabled. Description This is expected behavior. Solution To help ensure that your server is safe during recovery, you should make sure that it is not connected to the Internet.

Description In the following scenario, the affected volume s are not backed up: 1. Solution To fix this issue: 1. Click the name of the computer, and then in the Task pane, click Set up backup for this computer or Customize back for this computer 3. Solution Restart the recovery CD, and then type the administrator password for the server. Solution Restart the computer one more time. Solution Backing up the server using a home computer is not supported. Solution The following steps assume that a backup of the home computer backup database is available on an external disk.

Issue After the storage check and repair task completes, the storage goes offline. Solution You should restart your server after running the storage check and repair task. Description Running low-level software storage tools—for example, defragmentation, full disk encryption, or volume imaging—on server folders may cause issues.

Solution Avoid running these tools on server folders. Issue During connector software installation, pop-up window is displayed that asks if you want to install a device driver. Description A backup virtual device driver is installed during home computer join.

Solution Click Yes in the pop-up window to install the device driver. Description If auto logon is set for the user account, it is overwritten when you install the connector software. Solution After you install the connector software, retain the password for the user account and reset auto logon for the account. Solution 1. Solution It is recommended that Western Digital hard disk drives with Advanced Format not be used as the primary hard disk drive on the server.

Issue Computers with Windows language packs installed cannot join the server. Description Connecting a client computer to a server will fail unexpectedly if you have any Windows language packs installed and one of them is in use.

Solution Change your Windows display language to match the underlying parent language of your Windows installation. If your question applies to Windows Live OneCare, please use the appropriate forum folders. Fixes issues for machines where the firmware does not report CPU frequency. Has some ore enhancements for correct operation on a larger variety of Windows 7 computers. Save to file option is provided to save power data. Manual editing of power model is supported.

A single application is used for calibration and power usage monitoring instead of a background service and a taskbar based application. Several improvements have been made to the calibration process, making it more likely to succeed on a variety of computers. Hi, Tark is a tool kit to mine linear temporal rules. Welcome aboard, - Tark Team. Use Classic Eclipse to develop for Android 4. Project Hawaii SDK 2. Thanks, Sidharth lala.

If there is an error message, please obtain a copy of the error message. Supported algorithms: Face detection Face alignment Face tracking Cartoon Please visit project website for more details.

The current forum will not allow any new questions. Existing posts — Interact here with existing content, answer questions, provide comments, etc. The following are the highlights in this release: 1. Now a Python interface Python 3. Comes with lots of samples, notebooks and hands-on labs. This is in addition to the default R instance which is Microsoft R Server developer edition which in turn is based on R You can switch to Microsoft R Open 3.

OpenJDK 1. A new conda environment for Python 3. Mozilla Firefox browser. Jupyter notebook software is better tested and supported on Firefox.

If you are see issues with running notebooks on default IE browser, please retry with Firefox. Visual Studio Code - An open source code editor supporting several popular programming languages and extensions. Thanks, Yutong Sun. Best Practices Only post suggestions Only post one suggestion per thread, this will provide clarity to the suggestion and allow users to know what they are voting up We encourage you to vote!

It's for discussions on our profile system and our new recognition system. It is not a place to ask questions about Windows or Sharepoint or Insert your product here. There are specific forums for products and technologies.

Please use them. Out of context forum threads will be deleted from this forum. This is an announcements forum, intended for the forums team to communicate important news to all Forums users. Please do not post here unless you have reason to make an announcement. While we appreciate all of the smoke-testing while these forums are new, we respectfully request that you do that in the Sandbox forums for any of the brands. Thanks for using the new Forums!

Second Shot is back and available until 31 May ! Below are a few guidelines to help everyone get the most out of this forum: Is your question about Microsoft Certification or Training? Try searching the forum. Search the forum to see if your question has been asked before and answered. Of course, if you cannot find what you are looking for, please start a new thread rather than adding to an old one.

Don't be brief. The more pertinent information you can give in your question, the better the response will be. If you are asking about specific exams, please indicate experience level, current role, etc. We don't charge by the character or word. You can subscribe to a question so that you can see any update on it. Please use this feature so you can get the answers delivered to your inbox and follow up in a timely manner. No Spam. Spamming will have your thread deleted and possibly your account closed.

Be polite. It's just better to be nice : No flaming or trolling. No braindumps. Asking for braindump materials, suggesting the use of or providing links to them will see your thread deleted or edited at the discretion of the moderators. No copyright material.

Please do not ask for or share courseware, book chapters or any other copyright material. Mark your question answered. If someone answers your question, please mark the reply as the answer to your question. You can mark multiple replies as answers. Doing so helps other forum visitors find the best answers.

It's also a great way to acknowledge and show appreciation to those who offer assistance. Things we cannot answer. There are certain things about exams which cannot be discussed. Please refer to Microsoft exam policies. Where possible the moderators will allow sufficient time for the original poster to come back and mark the replies to their questions as answers. The amount of time is at the discretion of the individual moderator but is suggested that it will be declared dead after a week if the original poster does not respond.

We will always try to be fair and mark suitable replies as answers. Do NOT propose your own answer as the answer. This is an accepted forum etiquette across most if not all of the Microsoft forums. Of course, if you think another response is the answer, please feel free to propose it as the answer. The ProjectSDK. Updated VBA Help for local use.

Objects such as Chart , Report , Series , and Shape now show correct members tables, properties, and methods topics. Sixteen complete code solutions, including two task pane apps with minor updates for Project, the QuickStatus app sample for Project Server and Project Online, eight client-side object model CSOM solutions, two solutions for querying the ProjectData service for reporting, and three updated legacy PSI solutions.

Library assembly, and the Microsoft. Receivers library for on-premises development. Notes: 1. Want to try out Project ? Regards, Sync Framework team. Read our blog for more detail, Or start downloading now! With this hotfix, the initial sync and subsequent sync for downloading INSERTs performance has been significantly improved as some performance related issues have been fixed at the client.

Thanks Yunwen. Hello and Welcome to this forum. We are happy to announce the availability of SyncToy 2. SyncToy 2. Please note that there are known issues when using SyncToy 2.

When using a NAS, there is a chance of file corruption. We have found this to be the case across the board for all NAS configurations.

We highly recommend that users avoid using SyncToy 1. This issue will be fixed in an upcoming release. Unfortunately there are no known workarounds for this issue with SyncToy 2. We have just completed a test pass on SyncToy 2. However, for those of you that have started to use Windows 7, you should expect to have a similar experience to that of other platforms such as Windows XP and Vista and if issues arise please let us know on this forum.

Support Microsoft Research AutoCollage. Flickr Community. Cambridge Innovation Development. Vision Technology. Automatic Collage. Face Detection. Image Segmentation. Image Blending. Microsoft Research AutoCollage Frequently Asked Questions AutoCollage comes with a comprehensive help system which describes how you can use the application to generate pleasing AutoCollages.

In order to register your copy of AutoCollage: a. Select the Options button. Select the Registration tab in the dialog which appears. Select the Register This invokes the registration dialog where you can enter your product key.

Enter your character product key in the white product key input box. You can type it in, or cut-and-paste by copying your product key from another window, then pasting into the first part of the input box. Select OK to save your product key. Once your copy of AutoCollage is registered, the trial time limit and watermark are disabled. In order to use this archive to install AutoCollage: a. Download AutoCollage normally. Run the file you just downloaded, and a self-extractor appears.

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