Download mongo version 3.6.6
Jump to bottom. Unable to download Mongo v3. Copy link. Based on the stacktrace it appears that the url being used is missing characters from its url: Download de. Starter:main prepare executable java. Loki-Afro added the bug label May 22, Loki-Afro removed the bug label May 26, Loki-Afro mentioned this issue May 26, Mongo v3. Loki-Afro closed this Jun 4, Already have an account?
Sign in. The Enterprise Server is the commercial edition of MongoDB, which includes additional capabilities such as in-memory storage engine for high throughput and low latency, advanced security features like LDAP and Kerberos access controls, and encryption for data at rest.
This product is included with the MongoDB Enterprise Advanced subscription, which includes expert assistance and powerful tools to overcome any challenges that you may encounter. Alternatively, the MongoDB Enterprise Server is also available free of charge for evaluation and development purposes. The Community version of our distributed database offers a flexible document data model along with support for ad-hoc queries, secondary indexing, and real-time aggregations to provide powerful ways to access and analyze your data.
The database is also offered as a fully-managed service with MongoDB Atlas. Get access to advanced functionality such as auto-scaling, serverless instances in preview , full-text search, and data distribution across regions and clouds. Safely, securely, and seamlessly manage MongoDB in your own environment. Available through the MongoDB Enterprise Advanced subscription, Ops Manager eliminates operational overhead by automating key administration tasks such as deployment, upgrades, and more.
Perform single-click installations, upgrades, and index maintenance, with zero downtime. Seamlessly identify and address slow-running queries with the Visual Query Profiler, index suggestions, and automated index roll-outs. Kubernetes Operators are application-specific controllers that extend the Kubernetes API to create, configure, and manage instances of stateful applications such as databases.
Using the MongoDB Kubernetes operator, you have full control over your MongoDB deployment from a single Kubernetes control plane, with a consistent experience across different deployment environments. Easily query data, configure settings, and execute other actions with this modern, extensible command-line interface — replete with syntax highlighting, intelligent autocomplete, contextual help, and error messages.
Intuitive and flexible, Compass provides detailed schema visualizations, real-time performance metrics, sophisticated querying abilities, and much more. Please note that MongoDB Compass comes in three versions: a full version with all features, a read-only version without write or delete capabilities, and an isolated edition , whose sole network connection is to the MongoDB instance.
For more information, see our documentation pages. Applications must ensure that only one thread at a time executes these operations in a client session. Starting in MongoDB 3. With retryable writes, MongoDB drivers automatically retries these operations upon encountering network errors or encountering a replica set failover during which time the replica set has no primary.
To enable retryable writes for the 3. As the retry attempt is made only once, the retryable feature can help address transient network errors but not persistent network errors. For more information on retryable writes, see Retryable Writes. The option enables Retryable Writes in the mongo shell. The following new methods have been added to the Mongo connection object in the mongo shell:. MongoDB's server sessions, or logical sessions, are the underlying framework used by client sessions to support Causal Consistency and retryable writes.
Applications use client sessions to interface with server sessions. Server sessions are available for standalone mongod instances, replica sets, and sharded clusters. Starting in 3. The following commands can be used to list, manage, and kill server sessions throughout MongoDB clusters:. The following options are available for all commands to support association with a server session:.
A strictly increasing non-negative number that uniquely identifies the command in the command's session. If specified, the command must also include the lsid option. For the delete , insert , and update commands that take an array of statements, the following option is also available:. Do not manually set stmtIds. MongoDB sets the stmtIds to be strictly increasing non-negative numbers. Added support for running the following during a replica set member's initial sync :.
To upgrade your sharded cluster to version 3. To convert an existing shard standalone instance to a shard replica set, see Convert a Shard Standalone to a Shard Replica Set. Collections have an immutable unique identifier. The featureCompatibilityVersion must be set to "3. Added the following options to the listDatabases command:. New "available" read concern is available.
For unsharded collections including collections in a standalone deployment or a replica set deployment , "local" and "available" read concerns behave identically.
For sharded clusters, "available" provides greater tolerance for partitions but may return orphan documents if the shard is undergoing chunk migrations.