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And yes, it is endorsed by Linus Torvalds , the father of Linux himself. Not official and perhaps not very popular. But this little website is the perfect place for a no non-sense Linux learning for beginners. The website is designed beautifully and is well organized based on the topics. It also has interactive quizzes that you can take after reading a section or chapter. My advice, bookmark this website:.
Written for absolute beginners in mind, this free Linux eBook gives you a quick overview of Linux, common Linux commands and other things that you need to learn to get started with Linux. This is a free to download eBook for Linux beginners. The eBook starts with explaining what is Linux and then go on to provide more practical usage of Linux as a desktop.
What I mean is that these are like academic textbooks that focus on each and every aspects of Linux, well most of it. You can read those as an absolute beginner or you can read those for deeper understanding as an intermediate Linux user. You can also use them for reference even if you are at expert level. Introduction to Linux is a free eBook from The Linux Documentation Project and it is one of the most popular free Linux books out there.
Though I think some parts of this book needs to be updated, it is still a very good book to teach you about Linux, its file system, command line, networking and other related stuff. This free eBook by Paul Cobbaut teaches you about Linux history, installation and focuses on the basic Linux commands you should know.
As the name suggests, this is for advanced users who are or want to develop software for Linux. It deals with sophisticated features such as multiprocessing, multi-threading, interprocess communication, and interaction with hardware devices.
If you think you know enough about Linux and you are a pro, then why not create your own Linux distribution? Linux From Scratch LFS is a project that provides you with step-by-step instructions for building your own custom Linux system, entirely from source code.
There are various sub-parts of this project, you can check it out on its website and download the books from there. The real power of Linux lies in the command line and if you want to conquer Linux, you must learn Linux command line and Shell scripting.
It covers things from beginners to advanced level. Download it and keep it with you always. This eBook from The Linux Documentation Project is a good place to begin with Linux command line and get acquainted with Shell scripting. This is a free eBook to download from GNU. As the name suggests, it deals with Bash Shell if I can call that.
This book has over pages and it covers a number of topics around Linux command line in Bash. If you just want to get started with Bash scripting, this could be a good companion for you. It also lets you write reviews of books you've read, add books to your favorites, and join online book clubs or discussion lists. There are several ways you can find what you're looking for at Read Print, such as by keyword search for a title or author, type of work e.
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This book could serve as an excellent study book for technologists to assist with waveform learning and studies. It is a good visual aid for those who must see what it may look like visually along with a description. I would recommend this book as a valuable resource in learning waveforms and reviewing knowledge of waveforms, especially the normal or benign variants that seem to give those in this field the most difficulty in remembering.
EEG T. The book would make a good addition to a departmental or personal library. Consistently formatted and packed with practical tips, this handbook is a highly useful tool for residents, fellows, clinicians, and neurophysiology technologists who are learning EEG interpretation or who need to make decisions while on call at the hospital and look for quick and reliable EEG information, regardless of specialty or level of training.
A trusted resource for anyone involved in EEG interpretation, this compact handbook is designed for on-the-go reference. Covering the essential components of EEG in clinical practice, the book provides graphic examples of classic EEG presentations with essential text points of critical information to enhance reading skills to aid in improving patient outcomes.
Authored by prominent experts in clinical neurophysiology, this second edition is updated to reflect current advances in ICU and intraoperative monitoring and includes new chapters on polysomnography, status epilepticus, and pediatric EEG. It is divided into eight sections that cover all major EEG topics including normal and normal variants, epileptiform and nonepileptiform abnormalities, seizures and status epilepticus, ICU EEG, sleep, and intraoperative monitoring.
Each chapter highlights the principal challenges involved with a particular type of EEG interpretation. Consistently formatted and packed with practical tips, this handbook is a highly useful tool for residents, fellows, clinicians, and neurophysiology technologists looking for quick and reliable EEG information, regardless of specialty or level of training.
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