Download android ndk using sdk manager
I picked AdoptOpenJDK , which seems to be the most popular option, but this should mostly work the same with any build. I typically unzip it into the folder:. Notice I am installing the Android 26 Platform. This is the version you want to use with This is the version Feel free to deselect those. There have been some new NDK releases since then. The NDK is also a zip file, so just extract it to the folder of your choosing. There are no further installation steps necessary. Identify performance bottlenecks by recording method traces, inspecting the heap and allocations, and see incoming and outgoing network payloads.
See the Android Studio release notes. More downloads are available in the download archives. For information on recommended devices and specifications, as well as Android Emulator support, visit chromeos. If you're new to Android development, check out the following resources to get started. Build your first app Start writing code in Android Studio by following the tutorial to Build your first app. Learn Android with interactive video training in the Android Fundamentals Udacity course.
For help installing Android Studio, see the Install guide. Android Studio. Download What's new User guide Preview. Android Developers. Android Studio Android Studio provides the fastest tools for building apps on every type of Android device. Download Not Available Your current device is not supported. Download options Release notes. More about the layout editor. More about the APK Analyzer. More about the emulator. More about the editor. More about the build tools. More about the profilers.
Chrome OS For information on recommended devices and specifications, as well as Android Emulator support, visit chromeos. Thank you for downloading Android Studio! Download Android Studio Introduction 1. You can select which packages you want to download by toggling the checkboxes on the left, then click Install to install the selected packages. Figure 1. There are several different packages available for the Android SDK.
The table below describes most of the available packages and where they're located in your SDK directory once you download them. To get started, download the latest Android version, plus the lowest version you plan to support we recommend Android 2. The above list is not comprehensive and you can add new sites to download additional packages from third-parties.
The development tools will notify you with warnings if there is dependency that you need to address. The Android SDK Manager also enforces dependencies by requiring that you download any packages that are needed by those you have selected. For example, a mobile carrier or device manufacturer might offer additional API libraries that are supported by their own Android-powered devices.
In order to develop using their libraries, you must install their Android SDK add-on, if it's not already available under Third party Add-ons. If a carrier or device manufacturer has hosted an SDK add-on repository file on their web site, follow these steps to add their site to the Android SDK Manager:.
If you are using the Android SDK Manager to download packages and are encountering connection problems, try connecting over http, rather than https.
Except as noted, this content is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2. For details and restrictions, see the Content License. You have successfully signed up for the latest Android developer news and tips. Developers SDK Manager. Results Loading Show navigation Hide navigation. Setting Up Virtual Devices.