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Is there any way to know for certain- besides unlocking her cellphone and looking through it?? Thank you very much! Hi Reen, How sad to hear about what you are going through. If I wanted to record someones conversation with my Samsung Galaxy I would use voice recorder and I tried it out and waited for the screen to go black.

At least on my phone a blue light was constantly on, but maybe the LG phone show a red light when the voice recorder is on. My phone does flash a red light when the battery is low. Her behavior is suspicious though, I mean where she always puts her phone. I would directly ask her. Please let me know what happens. Many of the permissions that you grant to an app, so you may use the app, allow the app to turn on camera and microphone randomly to see what your up to.

On my phone when the screen is blank but the blue light blinks means a recording is taking place. Big brother and little brother are always watching- remember that. Hi Rechelle, Unfortunately in order to use apps we need to give them those permission and just cross our fingers that we are not being spied on, and if were are we might never know or might not be able to do anything.

We are obviously not alone, ha ha. Person who wants to track my phone needs my phone to get a spy app or he can get it somewhere from internet just writing down my number?

Hi Kristina, All spy apps have to be installed onto the target smartphone or tablet. This is one of the worse experiences of my life. I lost more than my privacy, I lost a person I trusted the most. Absolute devastation. We used the machine at the store to transfer my contacts.

Hi Isa, It is really unfortunate to hear about what you are going through and I hope that things get better soon, I really do. When I said super spy, I meant government level stuff. With what you have said I think you have done enough to start fresh. Take Care. The data can be searched and filtered by anyone with an account at this site, and then used for illegal acts. Is that what this above quote is saying? Hi Isa, Yes, I understood the exact same thing you did.

If you know that you phone has been infected with this software, Have you tried a factory reset? Hi I was so happy when I seen your post. He too is an IT and has been for over 30 yrs. He desire s to be the TOP at all He does. And I also seen that same sight saying you only need a pick up when they dial your number. Bless you for your help …. These are scary should be illegal things going on …such an invasion of security an privacy ….

Hugs to you an IS A as well. Bitches be crazy! She even accessed my friends details by only knowing her first name and address and got her work mobile number! Scary huh? Oh and just a note.. Hi Anon, Wow, she was able to do all of that? That is scary. What did your friend do to end this or is it still going on?

Then obviously there are a lot of super spies out there. What about the spy app they have out that steal all your information out of your wallet?

Every time he sends a text directly to the CEO about a progress of a project, the supervisor will hurriedly convene a meeting and discuss about the same issue and document it to appear that it came from her. Could the supervisor be spying? How will my friend know this for sure — i. Hi Joddy, That is some suspicious behavior and if that happened to me I would be thinking the same thing. Your friend can try a factory reset to clear his or her phone of any spyware that may have been installed or your friend can try anti spy apps on Google Play.

For example, there is Anti Spy Mobile Free. Hope this helps and please let me know what happens. Thanks for commenting! Thanks for replying. After installing the Anti spy app you recommended Anti spy mobile free it returned 3 warnings on scanning: palmchart, com. Please interpret this, and let me know which ones should be uninstalled?

Thank you. Hi Joddy, Welcome back! Let me look into it and I will get back to you as soon as possible. I think you mean Palmchat, not Palmchart.

I would uninstall this immediately! Get rid of it or you WILL have problems! Kind of scary if you think about it, right? What is your suggestion for junk cleanup. My phone has been glitchy going to black screen and not wanting to reboot ect.

What do you recommend? The apps they have such as task killers, ram optimisers, battery doctors are not only unnecessary on Android but actively counter-productive. Bottom line: I would not install anything from that outfit. What kind of phone do you have? Hi There, If the tab is not rooted, you could turn off WiFi and perform a factory reset. Unless the tab came with that stuff on it from the factory, then a reset should get rid of it. IF, however, the tab is rooted, then my guess is it will need a complete reflash of the factory firmware.

I think that it came rooted with this stuff installed and even if there was firmware to reinstall it might actually have the malware cooked into it. My recommendation is to replace it.

Hi Moon, If you get a new phone that one will be clean as a whistle. After an injury and mountains of medical bills, I now have a bill collector who I believe has somehow gained access to my cell phone contact list and maybe tracking my whereabouts. Is this possible? I do not know how to check an app drawer or file list for dates of possible spyware downloads.

The people that were sent these messages have no connection to me besides being in my contact list. One of the individuals was a male friend I had just met 3 weeks prior and had no other communication with him besides a few text messages.

What can I do? How can I figure out how this happened? I cancelled my gmail account from my phone. Hi There, How unfortunate to hear about your injury and the mountain of bills. I hope you are feeling better. When you unlock your phone, there should be an icon that says Apps. Tap on that and you should see all of the icons that all installed on your phone.

Perform a factory reset and that should wipe your phone clean and that includes any spyware that was installed. Before you do this remember to backup all of you data. Did you try using the Anit-Spyware app that was included in the article?

I have recently had a small white dim light appear in my upper left hand corner of screen or three small dim white lights in a row across the bottom of screen where menu buttons usually are. Also when light appears in my upper left hand corner there is no notifications verifying it could you please help.

Hi Alex, Have you used the anti-Spy app to see what results in gives you? It could also have nothing to do with spying, has your phone experienced any damage, from a drop maybe?

I had the suspicion my ex was spying on me because he would make comments that I would say on my phone conversations. And when I was making phone calls the wiretap app warned me of hangouts activated another call.

I was so paranoid that I lost all of my pics and videos, and just did a factory reset and changed all my passwords. Please help…and thank you for all your helpful answer.

Hi Mvy, How unfortunate to hear about what you are going through. You did well in doing a factory reset since that eliminated any apps that may have been downloaded to your phone. I hope this helps. Thanks for commenting and reading. Sorry to hear about your situation. The only way that can happen is if your ex somehow gets hold of your smartphone and installed the software.

Hope this helps and if you are the US, you can report this to the cyber crime division easily. Thanks for another fantastic article. The place else may just anyone get that type of information in such an ideal method of writing?

I have a presentation next week, and I am at the look for such information. Hi Cecila, You are most welcome for the information and I am glad that you liked it.

What do you think? Hi Crysta, I have never seen a pop-up of Google telling me that I have a damaged battery. Are you asked to give any personal information in that pop-up? Scams usually look for that, they try to get you to introduce your information. Have you considered a reset to clear any spyware?

I am a stay at home wife and mother so I am always scared someone is watching me or going to try. I am completely, mentally healthy and physically so it is not paranoia. I have proof to back this up. I have an antenna for my tv, so I noticed one day, this number calls. After I deleted those two files my phone stopped making my TV go all crazy when I would stand by the antenna. Before I would stand by the antenna and it would make the picture all crazy.

These people will not stop calling, and they keep downloading files. I did a system re.. I started over from scratch, taking the sacrifice of losing everything. I backed up all of my files but still lost everything. Someone is spying on me, and putting fIles on my phone. Also, can spy people hack into my phone and watch me through the camera, and record me and how do I stop that? I have a feeling pretty soon technology will advance into some sort of invisible tripod that rises from our screens and can pivot around the room.

I am healthy but can see this sort of thing and can feel it happening now or soon. Please help me and answer my question so I can have peace. Hi J Lion, If you did the factory reset, that should have gotten rid of any spy apps that were installed on your device, but did you install an anti-spyware app, like the on 13?

Having a good, a anti-virus also helps. I understand how scary technology can sometimes get since basically we have our lives on devices that can be hacked somehow.

If there is a tracking app installed on my phone did the person need to have access to my phone?? Can the app be installed remotely?? And, if so, do they need access to remove the app?? While typing this message my phone had two notification rings within 4 minutes… No text message… No recent calls noted.. Is it normal like that? Hey — thanks for the advice. Tried CM? Anyway — guess I feel a little better having run this app on my phone- but what are the chances of there being less well documented or perhaps iffy-on the legal side of things software available that people are using?

Can anyone or any app detect, clean or limit them? Like a phone. Hi Ed, I agree, the smarter devices get, the scarier they get for some since you have to protect yourself from all sorts of threats, Back in the day, phones were mostly used just for calling but now, they are like computers in our pockets.

Hi Joy, my Trouble is extensive. If I were in your shoes, I would go to the local authorities to see if there is anything they can do. You can always try a factory reset with this your phone will be like when you first took it out of the box to wipe your phone clean of any spyware and some users have even switched phones as well.

I have just installed Anti Spy which found no Spyweare on my device. But, I have a nagging feeling that my Android phone has been tapped due to a consistent nose sniffling noise on the line whenever I phone people. Is there any other way foreign or domestic could spy on my phone activities other than installing a spyware on it? You could try calling your carrier and telling them that your calls have that sniffling noise since it could be something their having problems with.

My spouse said a fellow employee told him that their dispatcher could ping their cell phones and know where they are? He said the dispatcher showed him and app he had on his phone that allows him to track them. If it is a work phone or on their network, they can impose restrictions and GPS geolocation. Some places do this to track remote employees delivery people.

If it is his personal phone and not on their network including their email server , they would need an app on it that they access. I am new at this but I think that someone has spy ware on my phone.

How to detect that and how get rid of it and keep it out. No Dns. No IP. I would ditch the phone and carrier. You could report it to the authorities or ditch the phone and get something else. My children and I have been stalked and tortured since Ive changed phones 15 x.

Ive changed carriers 3 x. During that time, my t. Back then, people were in denial that this was taking place. It was very difficult. My daughter and I cried and cried, almost every week it was something new. And yes, we did the factory reset. We did the hard erase! So, if you have a bonified stalker, not much you can do except disappear! Move far away! No contact, no forwarding address! Im still optimistic, that a genius developer will come up with something new. And hopefully soon. All of you stay safe, and keep your children AND your pets close!

I just ran a spy checker on my Lg logos phone and it shows com. I know something is wrong with my phone. Sure would like to have proof of who. Back up any important files on your phone and force a factory reset.

Also there are many different ways to spoof your phone, computer,tablets MAC addresses randomly so that they stalker has a much more difficult time keeping tabs on you. KeyParker this is all absolutely true. And im at a loss to combat an active hack. Im thinking about hiring a red hat or a really experienced white hat to come to the house and not only teach me, but put up shit that would make them work their ass off to get through.

And god forbid if they can get physical access to your phone or get close enough to exploit your bluetooth…. I recently did a debug in the google settings and it now shows a list of o7 items calle chimera container and most of these are apk in the details.

Your explanations are good, however figuring out if certain behaviors are really an issue is not so easy based on the article. Hey guys, I had come across a lot of recommendations on mxspy01 so I contacted him team to help me find a way around spying my husband cell phone and WhatsApp. So i could spy on what he was doing.

I got the files to get it done and I have access to my husband phone. He was really efficient and I have access to everything including phone calls, SMS, emails and all his social media accounts.

What I like about the job is that it cannot be traced. I have this working for 3 months now mxspy01 gmail is indeed the best i have come across in recent times.

I also have this experience wherein pop up ads are consistently showing up on your android phone. This is so irritating! Can anyone help? Hi Olga, in most cases, this is due to the permission that the apps acquired upon installation. Google is the worst violator of privacy so, Android cannot be trusted.

Welcome to surveillance capitalism! Flip phones still give location data so, really a land line is better but, the government has been embedded in telecommunications for decades. Is this a spy app? Your email address will not be published. Skip to content. Check for unusual battery drain. Stagefright Detector. My Data Manager App. Monitor Data Usage. Factory Reset. PC Error Message. Free AdBlocker Browser. DFNDR security.

Are spyware and malware the same thing? Can phone spyware be installed remotely? What can phone spyware do? Previous Previous. Next Continue. Similar Posts. Hi Wayne! Google is tracking and datamining every flippin android phone out there! Hi, Try this app and see whether anyone is spying or not. What are the anti spy apps? That sounds like a trap to install spyware to the device you are having issues with. Is there a way to find out who is tracking your phone, Galaxy S3?

How is this usually software installed? Could someone have sent a video clip for instance? Hi Nelson, If you do get a smartphone in the future you know we are always here to help. Any thoughts? One more question. Anti-theft alarm is a mobile security app.

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