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David M. Butler Why are the documents not being released 60 years after the assassination of JFK? We sent the traffic down via Torrens Strait, so that the track of the Japanese task force would be clear of any traffic" - Admiral Richmond K. Kennedy Jr. Cooper was the chief defense attorney of Sirhan Sirhan Cooper cliamed that Sirhan would be out of prision in 3. The bullet hole in Kennedy's shirt is larger than the bullet hole in Connally's shirt Dr.

Shaw was of the opinion that the bullet entering Connally was not tumbling Oval shape wound found on the back of Connally Oval shape suggests an acute angle of fire with respect to the skin There is no evidence that the bullet was tumbling Dr. Shaw personally performed surgeries during world war two shrapnel and bullet wounds Zapruder film frame-by-frame Connally was shot around frame And Kennedy's fatal headshot was at frame This shows that the two shots were 17 frames apart As the Zapruder camera operated at 18 frames per sec, the two shots were a second apart roughly It takes around 2.

Krulak and Col. I thought it was bad psychologically. But you and the president thought otherwise, and I just sat silent. Green's website: www. D thesis to be published by skyhorse; pre-order here Upton Sinclair described University of Chicago as Standard Oil University Chile and the Chicago Boys Documentary: Chicago Boys Milton Friedman at the University of Chicago The US assumed the role of Britain after the second world war on a bigger scale " Imperialism is the process whereby the dominant politico-economic interests of one nation expropriate for their own enrichment the land, labor, raw materials, and markets of another people.

Truth and Reconciliation Committee's website: www. Despite months of research, on-camera interviews, depositions to buttress their investigative reporting Military gassing deserters in Vietnam with Sarin gas. Then CNN caved in to pressure, called the story false, put a gag order on them both, and fired the reporters. The gutless cave in of CNN was almost as bad as the reporter who tries to get them to stop the story.

April and Jack sued for wrongful dismissal on the threat that they would make public their research. Hear April reveal that after the show aired, servicemen called in to reveal other similar missions. These leads were followed and interviews were video taped but CNN will never air them. Don't let this story disappear as CNN would have it forgotten.

Show Original airdate: Jun 10, Guests: Dr. Marcades' book Dr. Marcades' talks about his education and career Rose Cherami overheard two guys talking about assassinating President Kennedy Nov 20 phone call to Francis Fruge of the Louisiana State Police Rose Cherami told Fruge about the two guys who were enroute to Dallas to kill Kennedy Rose Cherami repeated her story to Dr.

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